These Yahoo! Answers Videos Are Still The Funniest Things I’ve Ever Seen

RIP Yahoo! Answers

Funny Or Die
Funny Or Die


Spelling mistakes and syntax errors aren’t anything new, they’ve been around for as long as humans have been writing words. For most of history though, one’s spelling mistakes (most likely) had a pretty limited audience. Unless you were writing a book or an article in a newspaper or something else publicly available, the only person who’d catch your goof-ups would be your beloved to whom you’re writing long, cursive love letters to, or whatever they did back in the sepia-tone days. Now, thanks to the internet, every single thing you do is extremely public and widely, widely distributed whether you like it or not, which means that anytime you make even the most minor of spelling blunders — or typos, as the kids say — you’ve got a whole sea of people ready to jump on it as if it’s the single dumbest thing anyone’s ever seen.

So let’s get one thing straight: unless you’re grading a paper or someone messes up your name, pointing out someone’s typos makes you a giant tool. Just because you corrected some guy’s use of “their”, “there”, or “they’re”, in a YouTube comments argument doesn’t mean you won.


Compiling a series of misspellings and grammatical blunders into one video and reading them aloud for the…

