Jammy on Appearances

Looking good, looking bad, or looking sad.

Jamie Jones
4 min readJan 17, 2014

Here again with another topic. This topic is probably one of the most important topics when it comes to social culture, personal life, personal awareness and trends.

Right first of all most people this day in age, spend as much time getting ready on a daily basis, than some would spend getting ready for a occasion or night out 5 years ago. Is this wrong? Are people worried about what others will think about them too much? Worried they are not up to scratch as the other social creatures out there?. Or do they simply feel more confident when they look there best, which is good for the soul they say.

Well we all have our opinions and I have mine So here I go. Most people, I am speaking generally about girls on this occasion. Most girls look ‘Nice, Cute, attractive or hot’ when in make up and have got a nice outfit on, They stand out. But there are girls that are just naturally attractive and don’t really need make up, but still look good wearing it, but if they didn’t have make up on or there best dress they still would be very gorgeous.

But there a lot of girls that out there that … well putting make up on makes them look a lot fucking worse! I mean an inch of fake tan, inch of bronzer cheap fake eye lashes and eye liner that looks smudged because there is soo much of it on! I mean come on! These women must realize at some point how ridiculous they look! I soend more time trying to work out what they actually look like beneath all that toxic apparent beauty! (Nodds head in a shameful and comedic manner).

But then!!! ….. wait for it (Water vibrates jurassic park style). You get some women wearing clothes that they know are too small for them! Right first of all there is nothing wrong with having some wait on you, if you know how to dress your self that is. I am referring to what I call ‘Whales in Tight’s’ … you probably get the image just from that description, but I mean women waering tight skirt’s, leggings or jeans with there eccessive weight flapping over the edges, and a tight shirt or tank top yet again too small with the eccesive arm fat bulging out of the sleeves. I mean I don’t have a fucking clue how these people think that wearing clothes too small for them will make people think they are actually closer to that size that they are trying to get away with. No people just think ‘Oh my god what the fuck! Godzilla in a tutu!’. I would rather see the over the top inches of toxic make up, I look like a fucked up barbie doll … types of girls over that.

Okay so I have gave my thought’s on the topic in general and the certain types of girls that bother me, in a fucked up make up, tree’s in drain pipes kind of way. But Boys you have some disastrous fashion flaws and non of you look unique, most of you look like you have all got together and ordered the same outfits out of the same magazine, or gone to the same shop, then all gone and got the same hair cuts. What the fuck is that about, I hate looking like some one else, but lucky for me I never do because I am unique and have personality in my appearance and actually have a personality ;). So in future guys if you see a pair of pants that you like, a jumper some jeans or some trainers. Dont’t think about anyone else, think about yourself and buy them. It’s your clothes and your appearence. Make it your own.

Okay so I have made it clear that there is nothing wrong with people making them self’s look good on a daily basis, it makes them feel good, and they appeal to the eye. The only thing that is wrong with vanity, is the people that complain about other people’s vanity. Nothing wrong with enjoying who you are or what you look like. But natural beauty costs nothing of course. Unless you don’t have it :P, and guys stop looking like twins and bro’s! I am serious dude!

But to all those haters and petty bitchy types that are miserable and that are all about ‘ It’s Monday why she curled her hair and painted her nails and she wearing a skirt! God so full of herself’. If you are one of those types your jelous, lazy and insecure and need to shut the fuck up, and go do something to whipe that miserable frown of your face. Because when you make fun of that girl, mostly you wish in some way you was like that girl.

Okay that was another blog from yours truly Jammy. My last two blogs this one included have had a lot more context to them rather than just blunt brutal honesty about sex related topics. But those blogs aren’t dead I have one I am writing soon that I am looking forward too and it is what actually happens during and after sex. But in the mean time I hope you enjoyed reading this weather you agreed with it or it made you laugh.

Happy weekend try not to get and STD.




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Jamie Jones

Jammy: Creative. Eccentric. Truthful. Honest and a little bit out there.