「成团 • Hiang」秘游印度秘境拉达克中的超秘境 • 赞斯卡Zanskar(14–29 Aug 2020)

Fun Travel
Published in
9 min readJan 23, 2020

有趣的人生不就是去探索这些未知的角落, Fun回來吗?

— — — 拉达克,赞斯卡徒步




列城之后,我们会穿越世界最高的公路垭口Khardung-La Pass,前往Nubra valley 和班公措,也有机会在Nubra Valley 体验骆驼骑行。拉达克最美的风景永远在路上,一路上停停拍拍感受,之后来到这次旅行的重点 — 赞斯卡,开始为期六天的徒步。

赞斯卡,位于拉达克的腹心地带。因为地理和政治原因,这里对大多数人而言都很陌生。正是这份陌生,保持了它的神秘和原始。佛教在公元8世纪或更早便从喀什米尔传入赞斯卡,这里很多依山而建的寺院,那么遗世独立的,静静的守护这不被打扰的一方净土。这一趟旅程,我们选择了最辛苦的方式 — 徒步做为主题。是旅行,是修行,是信仰,也是净心。如果你不怕辛苦,和我们一起去做个风尘仆仆的行者吧!


★ 我们去列城,去感受这座海拔3500充满着藏传佛教信仰的老城和那些在高原上耸立多年的喇嘛庙。

★ 我们去参拜众多古老而又有丰富佛教艺术的寺庙 Lamayuru Monastery, Thiksey Monastery, Stok Palace, Shey Palace 等地

★ 去传说中的 Hemis Temple, 听说耶稣年轻时曾在这里学佛法

★ 我们去班公错,藏语称此湖为“错木昂拉仁波湖”,意为“长脖子天鹅”。在喜马拉雅群山环绕下看这平静的湖泊。或喧哗,或静谧,或感动,或喜悦,总会有你喜欢的美好。

★ 我们去朝圣,去找那个与世隔绝,被誉为这个世界上最独孤的悬崖寺庙 Phuktal Monastery 。

★ 六天的徒步,我们沿着赞斯卡河谷,行走在壮阔的大自然中。平均走在海拔4000公尺的高度,需要跨过最高垭口 Stongde La (5,165米),我们会经过不同的村庄,看不同河谷风光地貌,夜里搭帐篷,以天为被,以地为床。深刻又隽永,绝对浪漫又艰苦!

★ 如果以上还不能打动你,那重点来啦!这样高海拔徒步兼体力要求高,加上行住吃条件简单,鲜有人走过这些地方,和我们去徒步回来,包你回來威3年!!!

暂定一部车, 寻找 8位勇士, 一起去挑战赞斯卡! 想威3年, 就來吧!

想参加? 別急, 请看以下提醒

✓ 报名此旅程的团友,需要有高海拔多天徒步的经验和体力要求

✓ 此旅程条件简单,徒步期间夜宿营地,没得洗澡,可能吃不好,睡不好,但保证你心灵饱满

✓ 徒步期间没有手机信号,没有充电配备。请你回归大自然,看山看水看自己

Fun玩家 : Hiang 益华 :)
有什么询问, 可以直接联络
WeChat : hiang88
WhatsApp : 012–2926890 (click 按 http://bit.ly/whatsapp-Hiang)
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ekhwa

飞机航班 Flight Details :

行程表 】(若有无法预料的因素,FUN有权变动行程)

DAY 1: KL—New Delhi — LEH
世界各地出發, 抵达新德里后, 再坐飞机前往列城. 在飞机上欣赏壯丽的喜马拉雅山脉, 一小时后抵达拉达克的军用机场. 机场接送到住宿, 好好休息, 适应高海拔.
Arrive at New Delhi airport, after that transfer to Leh. You will have an early morning transfer to the domestic airport for the flight up to Leh. This surely is one of the most sensational scheduled flights in the world, taking you right over the top of the Greater Himalaya before dropping down in a series of steep turns, to land at the small military airport at Leh. Flight time is about 1 hour. You will be met on arrival and driven through Leh to check into your Hotel. Leh is at an altitude of 11,500 ft and therefore we recommend that the rest of the day is spent resting to help adjust to the altitude.

今天參观几个藏传寺庙 Shey, Thiksey, Hemis, 也让大家慢慢适应高海拔气候.
The first place of visit along the Indus valley Monastery tour is the Shey Palace. It is only 13km from Leh and is the former palace of the Ladakhi royal family. The Palace houses a 350 year old copper and gold statue of the Lord Buddha. Thiksey, a neighbouring village of Shey, will then be visited. Thiksey Monastery is perched imposingly on a hillock from which its red and white buildings can be seen from many kilometers away. This Gompa is famous for its 15 meters high seated statue of Maitreya, the future Buddha. Driving further along you will reach the famous Hemis Gompa, founded in 1630 by Stag-tsang-ras-pa under the patronage of King Sengge Namgyal. In the afternoon, a visit to the Stok Palace will enlighten you about the royal family. It also houses a museum that has a rich collection of ancient Ladakhi artefacts: old thangkas, arms and armoury, royal jewellery and the crown of the King, among many others.

DAY 3: DRIVE TO NUBRA VALLEY (18,380FT/5,600m) (早/晚餐)
今天我们会坐车翻越世界上海拔最高公路之一的 Khardung La 垭口(5,600米), 然后沿着壯丽山河的风景來到 Nubra 山谷. 这里有沙丘, 有兴趣可以骑骑駱駝.
To arrive at Nubra valley, you will be passing through the Khardung La (18,380 ft/5,600m), the highest motorable road in the world. From the pass, the road descends down a spectacular gorge through the Kardung village and on down to the valley floor. In the evening, you will be driven to Diskit and Hunder Monastery. Further down the river you will head towards the scenic village of Hunder which is the home for pleasant sand dunes and the two-humped Bactrian camel. Camel Safaris are always exciting to try out.

早餐后, 我们经过Chang-La 垭口(5,334米), 抵达另一个让人震撼的景点 — 班公措, 这是印度著名电影"三个傻瓜"的其中一个拍攝场景.
On this day you will head out for an early drive (normally after breakfast) which is essential to cross over to the Pangong Tso/Lake via the Chang-La (17,500ft). The Pangong Lake, situated at 14,000ft (4,267m) is a long narrow basin of inland drainage, approx. 6–7km at its widest point and over 135km long. About 1/3 of the Lake falls in India and the remaining part is in Tibet, China. The ever-changing turquoise blue and green colour of this brackish lake can be seen reflecting the image of the mountains of Chang-Chenmo range to the north. Although being a salt water lake, it freezes completely in winter. The flora, or lack of it, is very unique to Pangong Tso. According to credible reports, the lake is devoid of both micro-vegetation and aquatic life, such as fish and crustaceans. However, the lake is an important breeding ground for migratory birds, including the Bar-headed geese and Brahmini Ducks. Over night at camp

早餐后, 我们走走拍拍, 回到Leh
After the breakfast you will drive back to Leh via Chang-la.

今天会经过磁铁山(Magnetic Hill), 听说车子行驶在这个路段时会因为重力的关系而把车子往下拉,因此影响车行的速度。
Lamayuru修道院: 建于11世纪,为拉达克地区最大、历史最为悠久的修道院。院内容纳超过400名的修业和尚。
After breakfast, start driving towards the Sham Valley, En-route you will receive blessings from the Gurudwara Pather Sahib, a holy place for Sikhs with storytelling. After spending some time here, travel to Magnetic Hill which is not too far from here. The spot has become a major tourist attraction in the recent past owing to the belief that it pulls vehicles towards itself. Next, travel to the confluence of the Indus and Zanskar Rivers. The site is hugely photogenic and this presents a good opportunity to capture some incredible views in photographs Further you will visiting Lamayuru Monastery of Lamayuru village en route. The gompa organises two festivals, one each in the 2nd and 5th months of Tibetan lunar calendar. Further on the tour reach Mulbekh village, which has a giant image of Maitreya carved on a rock.

Padum是Zanskar的行政中心, 也是赞斯卡古王朝的首都. 在这里修整下, 明天要开始徒步了.
Padum is named after Padmasambhava. It is the only town and administrative centre in Zanskar. It was historically one of the two main capitals of the Zanskar Kingdom the other being Zangla.

早上, 可以去Stongde寺庙唱颂, 然后开始慢慢上斜坡, 最后下到扎营地 High camp, 这里能看到壯丽的赞斯上山谷.
It will take forty five minutes when we hike further steep down the valley. There you can Also visit Stongde gompa or can attend the morning prayer. Afterwards, continuing past the rows of gigantic white Chortens which line the trail leading to the Stongde la(5,165m), and we have only 2 hours of somewhat steep climbing, contouring around several hillsides and crossing a few green, swampy spring valleys to reach our high camp below the Stongde la. Stongde Doksa High Camp is a grassy plateau which affords wonderful views of Stongde Gompa and up and down the Zanskar valley. Camp

DAY 9: TREK TO SUSLANTAKTAK (4290m)(5–6 hr) (早/午/晚餐)
今天要翻越最高的 Stongde埡口(5,165米), 也是全程最高的埡口.
Another pass day, a long and hard day starting with an 800 meter climb to the Stongde La (5165 meters). After that we have a 3–4 hours of ascending, again contouring around green valley’s where yaks and dzobkyos graze, to the windy and often cold Stongde La. From the pass we are rewarded with great views of the Namtse La, Zangla village. We will spend the first 11/2 hours descending carefully on a trail of large scee and rocks, difficult for the horses to navigate, hiking high above the turquoise Shingri Chu which winds it’s a way through the canyons below us. We will have to cross the river. After half an hour of hiking along a trail high above the right bank of the river we drop down to the riverbed and follow the trail. Finally we will arrive at the campsite

DAY 10: TREK TO SHUN SHADE ZINGCHEN (4100m)(5–6 hr) (早/午/晚餐)
今天会经过Shade山谷, 还有峽谷等
A Classic, beautiful trekking day, continuing to following the willow — lined Shingri Chu with many chilly river crossings to keep things exciting. This valley is called the Shade valley, after the river junctions and Shade village, the most prominent village in the valley and one of the only ones inhabited these days. We will have one small climb after the river crossings, at the intersection of Niri Chu, up to the Shingri La, a high grazing pasture land. From here its an easy hour or less of high contouring to reach Zingchan, our wonderful campsite. Zingchen sites high up above the river on a plateau, with spring water and wood. Camp

DAY 11: TREK TO SHADE (4270m)(6–7hr) (早/午/晚餐)
Today we have another idyllic river day, started with half an hour of trekking along the plateau, high above the river on a slightly exposed trail, to the river intersection where dramatic hoodoos rise from the valley bottom. Further as we descending slightly to the small bridge spanning the small Shade stream and and we will reach an interesting lhatoo at the opposite side side of the intersection. The peak on top of which she resides is to the left of the Shade stream as we look up towards Shade. We’ll Trek for 250 meters to Shade village along the way, we’ll pass the villagers working in the fields. Camp

DAY 12: TREK TO PHUKTAL(9–10hr) (早/午/晚餐)
今天我们会到达”世界上最孤独的寺庙” 悬崖上的Phuktal寺
After this, a compulsory walk of several hours (5 for the locals, we took a little less than 8 hours) through high mountain passes of the Greater Himalayas lead to the Phuktal monastery. All of this made the trek to the Phuktal monastery not just offbeat but also an exciting adventure. Camp

DAY 13: TREK TO CHA — ANMU, DRIVE TO PADUM.(4–5hr) (早/晚餐)
今天慢慢走, 终出來了, 徒步结束, 上车前往 Padum.
On the left side, villages of Cha and Anmu are the only sign of civilisation. They are spotted from afar by the lush green cultivation around them, a stark contrast to an otherwise golden barren landscape. Phuktal monastery was, more than anything — relieving! The three stupas mark the boundary of any village in Zanskar. There is a small guest house just before these stupas, where visitors can halt for the night. As we had halted in Cha, we didn’t stay here. We continued our walk through the winding steps (seen in the far corner in the picture) that start soon after these stupas. Overnight at Guest house in Padum

DAY 14: RANGDUM (早/晚餐)
今天我们去一个迷人的小山谷Rangdum, 这里的山, 一边是色彩缤纷, 另一边则是单调的石头山. 这里还住着游牧民族 Bakarwals.
Rangdum is in a valley situated 3,657 m (11,998 ft) above the sea level, in an isolated region of the Suru valley in the Ladakh region in the state of Jammu and Kashmir in Northern India. On one side are the colorful hills while on the other side are rocky mountains and glaciers, notably Drang-drung. Rangdum is located midway between Kargil and Padum. It is about 100 kilometers from Kargil. The road conditions are very bad near Rangdum. “Rangdum, with its gompa and the attendant village of Juliodok, is the last inhabited region in the Suru valley; it is also the destination of the nomadic herdspeople called Bakarwals, who trek up every year from the Himalayan foothills near Jammu, bringing their flocks of sheep and goats to grow fat on the rich summer growth of grass. From Rangdum the valley rises to 4400 metres and the Pensi-la, the gateway into Zanskar. Guest house in Rangdum

DAY 15: RANGDUM- LEH (早/晚餐)
Drive back to Leh after the breakfast.

搭飛机回到新德里, 再轉机回马來西亞
Take flight from Leh back to New Delhi, then fly back to Malaysia.

DAY 17: 抵达马來西亞 Reach Malaysia

✓ 全程住宿, 民宿/帐篷 (大多是两人一房)包括早餐和晚餐
✓ 机场接送机
✓ 全程用車
✓ 徒步时的帐篷, 睡袋和三餐
✓ 所有行程里景点的门票
✓ 导游和山导
✓ 个人旅游保险
✓ FUN 领队

✘ 马來西亞 — 印度Delhi往返机票(RM 1,100 — RM 1,300)
✘ 內陸Delhi — Leh的往返机票(RM 750 — RM 900)
✘ 印度签证 Visa
✘ 餐飲不在行程里;
✘ 遊客自願消費之其他費用,如購買紀念品及寺廟之善捐等;
✘ 自願給付司機與導遊之小費;

日期:2020年 8月14–29日+1
旅费 : RM 1,900 (订金) + USD 1,200美金 (余额)
👉 (大概 RM 6,700/人, 以 USD 1 = RM 4 计算)

订金 : RM 1,900/人

请缴付定金予以下户口 :(银行Reference Code 注明: Zanskar Hiang)
Maybank: 512307622692 (马来西亚)

Singapore Maybank: 14060441774 (方便新加坡朋友, 根据当天的汇率 SGD:RM) 可以直接用 PayNow 0122926890 付款

1) 如发生金融风暴、汽油价飙升、兑换率出现巨大差异等重大波动,团费有可能变动
2) 若因天气、景点、社会环境变化、房间数量或其他因素所影响,主办方有权更动行程
3) 报名以收到订金为准
4) 款项已付的朋友,若因个人因素而要取消报名,可以换人替代位置。若无人可换等情况,恕不退还已缴付的订金 (There will be no refunds given once payment has been made)
5) 此团非一般传统旅行团,欢迎志同道合、健康状况和体力良好、拥有年轻心态的朋友一同参与!



Fun Travel

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