Find God on the Mountain: Hike Hard, Pray Harder

A Man’s Guide to Turning Outdoor Challenges into Spiritual Victories

Colin Schwager, MBA
Furious Nature
3 min readFeb 25, 2024


Photo by Angelo Pantazis on Unsplash

The easy path is rarely the fulfilling one. That holds true in life, in faith, and definitely on the trail. Any man who’s tackled a tough hike knows the burn in your legs, the gasping for breath, that voice in your head screaming to give up. But something in our spirits — that same fighting spirit that draws us to God — it keeps us pushing to the summit. The lessons we learn battling a mountain ain’t so different from the battles for our souls.

The Mountain as Mirror

There’s a reason Jesus often retreated to the mountains. It’s where the distractions fall away, and we’re faced with raw truth. A steep climb does the same. Every step uphill is a choice. Just like when we’re wrestling with doubt, temptation, or the weight of the world…do we turn back, or do we dig deeper?

The trail doesn’t care about your excuses; it just is. That’s a lot like when life throws its curveballs. We can whine about how unfair it is, or we can adapt and overcome. Every blister, every stumble, forces us to confront our weakness. But it’s also where we discover how much more strength we actually have than we realized.

The Struggle is Sacred

It’s tempting to wish for a life free of challenges. But any hiker knows, the best views come at the hardest points. The sweeter the victory, the greater the battle fought. Same goes for our spiritual growth. It’s in those wilderness seasons of the soul, where we feel pushed to our limits, that we truly break through. That’s when we learn to lean on God, not just as a nice idea, but as the only foothold when nothing else is stable.

The Summit and Surrender

There’s that glorious moment when you reach the top — the exhaustion, the exhilaration, the view that makes it all worth it. But there’s a quieter moment that’s just as important: the surrender. You did your part, you fought the good fight, but ultimately you can’t control the outcome. You trust that God, who created both the mountain and the man, has a plan for the journey.

Practical Guide: Trail to Transformation

Choose Your Mountain: Don’t shy away from tough hikes. Like spiritual growth, it’s about steady progress, one step at a time.

Gear Up, But Not Too Much: Have the right supplies, but don’t overburden yourself. Same way, fill your spiritual toolkit (prayer, Bible study), but don’t rely on self-help more than seeking God.

Embrace the Burn: Pain is temporary. When your legs scream, remember, your spirit is forging iron.

The Power of a Pause: Rest when you need to, but don’t linger in self-pity. Pray, catch your breath, then get back on your feet.

Summit as Sacred Space: Take that view in. Not just with your eyes, but with your soul. Thank God for the strength to endure, and ask for guidance for the descent.

Brothers, the mountains are calling. They remind us of the battles we’re built to fight, the strength we find when we’re broken, and the unwavering God who walks with us, especially when the path gets steep. Lace up your boots and find your trail; it may just lead you closer to Him.



Colin Schwager, MBA
Furious Nature

Hi, I’m Colin and I am a copywriting and marketing expert. Author of “It’s Okay” and soon to be announced “30 Days In The Wilderness: A Men’s Devotional”