The Mighty Clove: A Spice with Warrior Healing Power

From Spice to Medicine: Unlocking the Ancient Healing Power of Clove

Colin Schwager, MBA
Furious Nature
3 min readFeb 23, 2024


When we think of warriors, we think of swords and shields, not some little dried bud. But don’t underestimate the power of clove. This spice packs a punch our ancestors knew well, used for fighting everything from toothaches to indigestion. Modern life throws a lot at us — stress, toxins, inflammation — and sometimes, the best medicine is turning back to the simple remedies God put within our reach.

The Man as Healer

There’s something powerful about taking charge of your health. It’s about being proactive, not just popping pills. Think back to Biblical times — men used their knowledge of herbs and spices to heal their families. We’ve lost some of that connection, but it’s time to reclaim it. True strength lies in both fighting off threats and knowing how to mend what’s broken.

Clove’s Benefits

This ain’t just some old wives’ tale. Clove is loaded with something called eugenol, which is a powerhouse. Here’s where it shines:

  • Tooth Pain Warrior: The OG use for clove. Chew a clove by the bad tooth, or try clove oil — numbs that sucker right up.
  • Digestive Aid: Stomach upset? Clove can calm things down, fight nausea, even help with intestinal issues.
  • Anti-inflammatory Powerhouse: Aches and pains? Clove can help take the edge off. Some research even suggests it might be good for joint health long term.

Harnessing the Power

  • Whole or Ground: Either works, but whole cloves pack a stronger punch.
  • Teas and Tinctures: Steep cloves in hot water for tea, or find a good clove tincture at the health food store.
  • Topical Wonder: Clove oil is potent — dilute it before putting it on your skin. But a little goes a long way for sore muscles.

A Word of Caution (Because Real Men Do Their Homework)

Clove is strong stuff. A little goes a long way. Too much can irritate things internally, and be careful with clove oil on sensitive skin. As always, check with your doc if you’ve got underlying conditions.

The Takeaway

Brothers, healing doesn’t always happen in a hospital. Sometimes, it starts in your spice cabinet. The natural world is full of potent remedies, just waiting to be rediscovered — and clove is a prime example. It’s a reminder that God provides not just the strength to fight, but the tools to mend ourselves along the way.

Practical Guide: Harnessing the Power of Clove

  • Clove Tea for Ailments: Steep 1–2 whole cloves (or a pinch of ground clove) in hot water for 5 minutes. Sip for stomach troubles, sore throats, or to boost overall wellness.
  • Clove for Toothache: Place a whole clove directly on the painful tooth and gum. Bite gently to release the oils. You can also dilute a few drops of clove oil in a carrier oil (like coconut oil) and apply it to the area with a cotton swab.
  • Clove Oil for Aches: Dilute clove oil heavily! Start with 1–2 drops in a tablespoon of coconut or olive oil. Massage into sore muscles or joints. Caution: always test a small area first, as clove oil can be irritating.
  • Beyond the Basics: Research clove tinctures for internal use, and explore clove as a potential addition to homemade spice blends for ongoing health benefits.

Important Note: Always consult your doctor before using clove medicinally, especially if you have health conditions or take medications.



Colin Schwager, MBA
Furious Nature

Hi, I’m Colin and I am a copywriting and marketing expert. Author of “It’s Okay” and soon to be announced “30 Days In The Wilderness: A Men’s Devotional”