The only career that matters, is this..

FURM® Academy
Published in
4 min readJun 4, 2016


Like many of you, I’ve been fortunate enough to meet and chat with heaps of cool people from all walks of life and from all over the world. Some talk to me about how amazing their life is and the career path they are on, others talk to me about how frustrated they are with the lack of career prospects and career growth. But I hardly ever come across people who think and focus on what I believe is the ONLY career path that matters, the career path of LIFE and SELF.

In my own company (FURM® Group), I’ve created a “PEACE” of mind value system, which is visually illustrated through the 7 chakras energy system.

Passion, Energy, Action, Charisma and Ethic form the mantra for my companies value system and the ‘ultimate meditative state’ for the way we operate.

Before you read this as spiritual mumbo jumbo, let me give you some context into why I believe this is the only career that matters.

Often, we will focus on career ambitions defined by the following examples as the ultimate form of validation towards being recognised as successful in your career;

  • our qualifications and quality/ranking of the institution in which we studied
  • the position in the company we work/have previously worked
  • the number of followers we have or the number of likes or shares we receive
  • the annual revenue growth, valuation or number of customers in our startup
  • the position/status we hold in social groups or other community & social organisations

Here’s the truth — The sooner you break away from the ideology that your career is where you are and where you intend to head in terms of your position, fame or external recognition/validation, the greater your life and career will become. The reality is, we can’t control this and more importantly, we shouldn’t. We’ve all heard of stories from people who have made it all, lost it all and then made it all again before perhaps losing it all again. The cycle is uncertain, unpredictable and uncontrollable.

What is often ignored or not recognised is HOW YOU are positioned against each of your chakras, because ultimately, life’s journey is not about the number of followers in your life or the position you hold, but IT IS about your position with self.

The 7 Chakras of your career, life and self

The 7 Chakras are the energy centers in our body in which energy flows through. The word ‘chakra’ is derived from the sanskrit word meaning ‘wheel’. Literally translated from Hindi it means ‘Wheel of spinning Energy’. A chakra is like a whirling, vortex like, powerhouse of energy. Within our bodies you have seven of these major energy centres and many more minor ones.

Here’s a breakdown of the 7 chakras from lowest to highest..

  1. ROOT CHAKRA — our ability to survive, e.g. money, food and shelter. During this moment in our ‘career’.. our survival instincts take control over all other chakras and we focus on the basic necessities of life. i.e. Feeding yourself and your family.
  2. SACRAL CHAKRA — our ability to experience desire, pleasure, passion, sexuality and physical wellbeing. i.e. Your physical health.
  3. SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA — our ability to feel emotions towards ourselves and others, including a sense of self worth, self esteem and self confidence. i.e. Your mental health.
  4. HEART CHAKRA — our ability to feel compassion, feel love and feel loved. Building an emotional bond with yourself, family, friends and the one you love. i.e. The personal relationships you hold with yourself and others in your life.
  5. THROAT CHAKRA — our ability to speak and communicate the truth. i.e. Honesty, integrity and ethical living.
  6. THIRD EYE CHAKRA — our ability to think and make decisions, give back, dream big, visionary thoughts, creativity, innovation, futurology and imagination. i.e. giving back to humanity, making a difference or positive change in the world we live, making a positive impact to the lives of others, living life with an extreme sense of passion and purpose beyond one’s own selfish desires.
  7. CROWN CHAKRA — our connection with spirituality and ability to maintain a meditative state of bliss.

Try to focus on these chakras as the ONLY career path that matters.. your life career. I can confidently say that everything else will automatically fall beautifully in place. I’ve personally gone through the lowest of lows and the highest of highs in my life, but having this focus has allowed me to stay grounded, calm, content, satisfied and therefore successful in my “career.”

And ultimately, this IS the ONLY career that matters.


For more knowledge and learnings like this, follow/subscribe to FURM® Academy on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook or download our app from the Apple Store.



FURM® Academy

I love writing about entrepreneurship, what the future might look like, tech innovation, product design and kindness.