Announcing Furucombo and B.Protocol Partnership

Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2021

B.Protocol makes lending platforms more secure by eliminating the gas wars between liquidators and shifting the miner’s profit to the users.

B.Protocol is a backstop liquidity protocol, a new DeFi lego primitive built upon lending platforms to better handle the liquidation processes in DeFi. It offers its users extra rewards by sharing the backstop liquidators’ profits. On the other hand, liquidators on B.Protocol are willing to share their profits in return for a priority in the liquidations process. This mechanism mitigates the uncertainty for liquidators, preventing them from the gas competition with each other.

Today we are thrilled to announce our partnership with B.protocol. We share the value to strengthen the efficiency and sustainability of DeFi, and we believe the collaboration will further foster the growth of the whole ecosystem.

B.Protocol has launched its integration with Maker, and collected $60000+ extra rewards to share among its users in 3 months since inception. They will be launching their Compound integration by the end of this month. Our collaboration will start from their Maker module and later expand to Compound and Aave.

The partnership will be a huge milestone as this will be one of the first cubes that is built by the non-furu team. This will mark a new chapter for Furucombo with more possibilities, more partners, and growing the community to a much bigger level.





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