Announcing Furucombo and Gelato Partnership

Published in
2 min readJan 13, 2021

As part of our commitment to making Furucombo the premier destination for crypto strategy building, we are proud to announce our partnership with Gelato Network.

Gelato Network is Ethereum’s Automation protocol, enabling users to give instructions to a decentralized network of bots that automatically interact on their behalf with Dapps on Ethereum, all without requiring users to write a single line of code.

Ethereum usage today seems to diverge based on two types of users. Those who know how to gain from automating their work, and those who would feel a little bit lost at the thought of deploying and running their own “bots.” Today, even with the massive growth this year in DeFi, we’ve still yet to see the benefits of automated processes come to end-users directly.

For this reason, we’re very excited to work together with the Gelato team to integrate automation features on Furucombo. Imagine having machines diligently attending to your own needs and being available to seize opportunity windows while you’re sleeping. Even for super-talented developers, writing bots for these processes to keep up with every new DeFi app is a time-consuming and cumbersome challenge. This is why you need Gelato & Furucombo.

Our integration will give users access to their own personal Ethereum bot that will enable them to automate their transactions with any Dapp on Ethereum. Most importantly, this integration is designed from scratch for end users. Meaning that you don’t have to write a single line of code to use this feature. The integration is currently work in progress. Stay tuned for the updates!

“Furucombo is a pioneer in pushing forward Ethereum’s User Experience. Integrating Gelato on Furucombo will greatly accelerate leveling the playing field between professional and regular defi users by providing everyone with the power of having sophisticated bots at their fingertips!”
— Hilmar Orth (Legendary Member, Gelato Network)





Build your own DeFi legos into one transaction without knowing how to code.