First Furucombo Grant

Published in
3 min readJan 4, 2021

It’s time for Furucombo to give back to the community. You know how much our community means to us and as mentioned in previous articles that we have many exciting programs in the line to bootstrap our growth. Today, we are thrilled to introduce you to Furucombo’s grant program for our early contributors. Thank you for believing in Furucombo so early. We love you guys!

Now let’s get to the details and find if you are eligible to receive the grant.

1. Furucombo Donors

If you have donated any amount of any tokens/coins to Furucombo via Gitcoin grant rounds or directly to our deployer address before Dec 23, you will get 350 COMBO.

2. Combo Masters

Do you know that we have a list of Combo Masters on our discord? These are savvy users selected by the team. What they did to become a Combo Master is that they are a) very knowledgeable about Furucombo product and b) very active in discord to answer questions. Each Combo Master will receive 6000 COMBO.

3. ComboHacking Winners

We launched a ComboHacking campaign in November. The rules are very simple, if you share your strategy and you get more than 10 votes, yes just 10 votes. Then you’ll get a chance to receive the grant. While the team reserves the right to give the grant but so far, every participant has been granted, and each ComboHacking winner before Dec 23 will receive 1500 COMBO.

It’s an ongoing campaign, so if you have some brilliant strategies in mind, share away on our discord!

4. Furucombo users

Since Furucombo is meant to be a community where all the best builders and strategists in the space come together to help accelerate adoptions in DeFi. The best way to identify people that share our values is simply by selecting early adopters who used Furucombo before it got popular. Therefore, we have tailored a list of retroactive wallets who have used Furucombo before Dec 23 00:00 UTC.

  • Loyal Users: Wallets with 2+ transactions before Dec 23 will receive 900 COMBO each.
  • Early Users: Wallets with 1 transaction before Dec 23 will receive 350 COMBO each.

How to claim

All grants listed above will be vesting over eight weeks starting from 3:00 UTC on Jan 15, 2021, after the initial launch on Balancer LBP. The design of vesting is to make sure that no more than 5% of the circulating supply is distributed each week. The claimable amount of COMBO will be updated to Furucombo’s contract every Friday. (See list*) You can then claim COMBO directly on Furucombo’s website.

*If you want to stake your COMBO right after claiming them back, don’t forget to use the “Add Funds” cube so that the transaction can be executed successfully like the below sample. Shortcut here.

Claim COMBO and stake it now!

*If you donated to Furucombo with ZKSync and find yourself on the list with a L2 tag, please contact us on discord to verify your L1 address.

It’s the first grant program and we are looking forward to having our community decide the future rounds. That’s it! If you have any questions on this, our team is standing by in Discord to answer any questions. Thanks for participating in Furucombo community!





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