Furucombo Biweekly Update #21

Published in
3 min readJul 7, 2021

While Furucombo cracked 20 million in total trading volume on Polygon (Yesss! We did it! Another new record reached), the team is working hard on designing and preparing the Furucombo Tokenomics! We’ll release the relevant info very soon!!! Stay tuned to our Twitter for more upcoming information! 🤝

Now, let’s have a look at this edition of the Furucombo Newsletter, we cover a proposal discussion result, a lovely artwork designed by our talented community member, and a powerful combo — Limit Order — introduction! Okay, without further ado, let’s get started! ✨

Voting — Adjust the Polygon usage farming rules
Thank you Furucombo community heroes
New badass feature — Limit Order combo

# Furucombo’s Update

✅ Voting — Adjust the Polygon usage farming rules

Lately, we launched our COMBO Mining SZN3 Bonus Event - Usage Farming on Polygon. Many have gotten their address eligibility to join the program! Thank you, everyone, for joining with immense enthusiasm. However, we found that a portion of these addresses seems like dummies...

To ensure that this program can adequately reward those who engage in using Furucombo, we proposed a couple of new adjustments and conducted a poll to find out what the community think about these changes. After a week of discussion, the final voting result is out.

The result is positive! Hence we’ll adjust the following two rules from July 8 2021, 3 AM (UTC).

[Adjustment 1] An eligible address
[Adjustment 2] Double reward incentives
More info: https://go.furucombo.app/0jRuz

Thank you again, everyone, for participating in this voting and sharing your ideas with us! We appreciate all of your feedback! 🙏

✅ Thank you Furucombo community heroes

Community is of most importance keystone of the Furucombo ecosystem. We always appreciate that all the community members who contribute to help Furucombo grow! Furucombo Community Maintenance, Dune Data Dashboard, Docs Translation, Artworks, etc.

We've come a long way, but we've never stopped fighting, creating, and striving for things to be better. We couldn't achieve what we have done without you. All of the community members are our heroes. Your help, opinions, and visions make Furucombo a special team, a lovely fam, and an incredible ecosystem. Thank you, all of you! :)

Special thanks to @F3alimi for providing this super cute artwork!

# Hot combos

Here’s what‘s trending on Furucombo.

✅ New badass feature — Limit Order combo

Imagine having machines diligently attending to your own needs and being available to seize opportunity windows while you’re sleeping! This badass feature is now live on Furucombo (Ethereum network)! 

How does it work? When you create a limit order combo, you create a scheduled task that will automatically execute when the price gets matched on Uniswap!
Seize trading opportunities while you’re sleeping!
👉 https://furucombo.app/explore/combo_furucombo_00003

That’s all for now. Feel free to follow us on Twitter and join our Discord to get in on the conversation! See you there! :)

Want to see more DeFi strategies?
Check out our explore page. You can find up to 50 combos with its own detailed explanation about how it works! And you can also join our Discord server to chat with the community about all the trading strategies & ideas! 😉

Hope you enjoy this week’s content! 🤓

Contact us

If you experience issues that are not covered in this guide, please reach out to the team directly through telegram.




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