Furucombo Launches on Metis Network

Users will be able to use Furucombo for their trading actions, and take advantage of the benefits of using the Metis network.

3 min readJun 27, 2023


Furucombo Launches on Metis Network

What is the Metis Network?

Metis network is a layer 2, aimed at scaling Ethereum through cheaper transactions, whilst being secure and using the decentralization of the main network. Metis is a layer 2 with similar characteristics to other layer 2 EVM compatible networks, such as Optimism or Arbitrum, but aims to be so much more with their developer and DAO focused ecosystem. When bridging to the network, be aware that on the Metis network you will require $METIS to use as gas. To learn more about how Metis is building out a network of dApps for businesses and communities, visit the Metis webpage.

What protocols will be available on Furucombo?

We will launch with the following protocols for everyone to use on Furucombo on Metis:

  • Stargate: Stargate is a fully composable liquidity transport protocol capable of facilitating cross chain transfers (a bridge protocol). Stargate allows you to transfer native assets across chains through Stargate’s unified liquidity pools. Cross chain transfers can be completed through any of the networks available on Furucombo using the Stargate Token Bridge cube.
  • Aave: Aave is the premier lending protocol that allows anyone to earn interest on deposited assets, and borrow from those deposits. Aave is the largest lending protocol in DeFi and has recently launched on the Metis network. By utilizing Furucombo for your position management you can take advantage of trading actions that wouldn’t otherwise be possible by harnessing the power of flash loans.
  • Maia DAO: Maia Dao is an exchange that facilitates the swapping of tokens. The exchange is run by DAO members who make decentralized decisions using Snapshot voting through the $MAIA token. The Maia DAO ecosystem is composed of the Hermes Protocol, and their newer product Maia V3 which is a Uniswap V3 derivative.
  • Hummus Exchange: Hummus exchange is a decentralized AMM for stableswaps. Similar to Curve Finance, Hummus can process stablecoin swaps with minimal slippage to ensure that you are getting the best price when swapping between the available assets.

Furucombo will launch with the following functions and protocols:

Where to Learn More?

You can learn more about how to get started on Furucombo by utilizing our docs center, or our Youtube. In the coming week we will also be hosting a workshop related to utilizing Furucombo on Metis. A recommended video to get started is our Introduction to Create mode. If you are more interested in position management, check out our Lending Dashboard video. The following is a list on how to get started with Furucombo:

  1. Webpage
  2. Document Center
  3. Youtube
  4. Introduction to Create Mode
  5. Introduction to the Lending Dashboard
  6. Introduction to Furucombo on Metis (coming soon)
  7. Discord (If you require any assistance please reach out to us here)

If you would like to learn more about Metis, or the protocols listed above, you can visit:

  1. Metis
  2. Stargate
  3. Aave
  4. Maia DAO
  5. Hummus Exchange

We are excited for the future collaboration between Furucombo, Metis, and its partners. We thank the Metis team for the continued feedback and support. Enjoy the launch of Furucombo on Metis, and let us know if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback. Happy trading!





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