Introducing Furucombo Invest

Published in
3 min readSep 10, 2021

Furucombo Invest is a strategy hub that organizes investment opportunities in the DeFi space, and allows you to invest in popular platforms across the ecosystem. It is a very easy to use intuitive platform which allows even the most basic users to reap the benefits of farming and decentralized finance. This is accomplished by our 1 button staking system which allows users to swap their single token directly into the farming contract. Users will no longer have to calculate how much liquidity must be provided for each pooled token, swap half of their tokens to balance the LP, add to the LP, and then add their LP to the farming contract. All this will be done automatically with Furucombo Invest.

Furucombo Invest also allows users to auto-compound their rewards with our Auto-Farming pools. This means any reward tokens from farming will be automatically compounded to earn even higher APY from the compounded effects. This is a very strong mechanism to grow your funds and earn the highest rewards. Additionally, Furucombo’s staking contract Trevi allows for multiple reward tokens to be earned. Our Auto-Farming pools will earn the stakers Matic and Combo tokens. The Matic tokens will be automatically compounded, but stakers will still have to compound the Combo rewards manually. There is a 20% performance fee on the compounded rewards which will go back to the treasury for use via the Combo holders through governance once implemented. This is only applied to the Auto-Invest Farms by Furucombo. There is however no other fees for using the platform, no deposit or withdraw fees.

Furucombo Invest will be launched on the Ethereum and Polygon networks. The Ethereum network will support Sushiswap, Uniswap, Yearn, Curve, and other protocols. Users will be able to swap their tokens and add LP to the strategies on those protocols easily from our intuitive interface. There will however be no auto-farming for these protocols at this time. On the Polygon network we will support Sushiswap, Quickswap & Curve. Users can swap their tokens and add LP to their farming strategies. Additionally, we will support 7 Quickswap LP Auto-Farming strategies unique to Furucombo Invest.

Furucombo’s Auto-Farming Pools that will be added at launch are:


Finally, to kick off the launch of Furucombo Invest, we will be introducing a total of up to 10 million USD in rewards to our Auto-Farming Pools and incentive programs! This includes Matic from Polygon, and Combo from Furucombo. We will also be launching our NFT program which will give users even more benefits as they earn yield from our farms. Get hyped, and get ready to join the fun!




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