UNI Decision Has Been Made! Distribution To Community

Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2020

Recently, we asked our community through social media and a call what to do with the UNI that we received after the retroactive token distribution.

(You can see the Twitter poll here and the original article here)

We want to thank the community first for their engagement and valuable feedback — the Twitter post received over 80 votes which gave us a quick read on how our followers felt about the situation. Later in our Discord group and 2nd community call, these feelings were further confirmed.

For those that want to rewatch the community call in its entirety, the recording can be viewed here:

Furucombo Community Call #2 on Nov 25

Final Decision: Give UNI To Community

The community made it clear they wanted the UNI distributed to their respective owners — and we have begun to make the preparations to respect these wishes.

You can check if you’re one of the 57 eligible addresses by referencing this list.

I’m Eligible. How Do I Claim?

Further details in the coming weeks will be announced on our Twitter and within our Discord channel outlining how eligible users will be able to claim their UNI.

Where will it be announced?

Make sure you’re either in our Discord or Twitter for the quickest updates regarding UNI, and anything else. By being a part of the Furucombo community you’ll stay in the loop on all the latest combos, development updates, and support whenever you need it.

*Update 2020/12/24

As we discussed in early December, we’re so glad to announce that YOU CAN NOW CLAIM YOUR UNI directly on Furucombo! Use our “Claim UNI” in the Utility cubes section to claim your UNI back. 👉 furucombo.app




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