Fusemachines AI Fellowship Program: Getting Pass the 50-day Mark

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3 min readAug 14, 2017

The Fusemachines AI Fellowship Program has officially crossed the 50-day mark. Meanwhile, the program has transformed into a daunting test of mental endurance for the participants. With the increase in the program’s intensity, the fellows have been compelled to escalate their commitment to the program. Furthermore, the added examinations pressure from their corresponding universities has brought an additional obstacle to the already intimidating course. Nonetheless, the fellows have been eagerly displaying sheer enthusiasm and tactfully handling stress as they speed towards their AI dreams.

Although accomplishing their AI dreams still lingers, or rather hovers, in a distant oasis, the momentum gained so far suggests that the fellowship will eventually help fulfill many dreams. As we sit with the passionate first batch of the fellows, we gather their woes regarding the course intensity. We also sift through their engineering backgrounds to help reveal how it’s been contributing to their progress.

AI Fellowship vs. the Fellows

The most recent conversation with the fellows provides a picture of the course difficulty. If you were to listen to the scholars, then the program would get simpler only if the participants were to sell their souls (to the devil, maybe?). Additionally, the quizzes and the hefty course materials haven’t helped provide solace to their ferociously functioning minds either.

In the midst of the cerebral warfare, stands Rojesh Shikhrakar, unique from the rest — exposed to the hi-tech fury. Rojesh is the only fellow without an academic background in computer science. He claims that he has had to face more harsh times dealing with technical issues than other fellows. However, to help eliminate general problems and move forward with the program, he looks forward to refreshers and boot camps.

Fellows with computer science background agree that the course covers a fair bit of their academic curriculum. Fellow Regent Vaidya states, “Most of the topics in the courses are not new. They were partially introduced in my academic curriculum. I’ve also come across few of such problems in my professional life.” He further added, “AI and Machine Learning challenges seem impossible to conquer without prior background. Moreover, the course duration is very compact.”

Agreeing to Vaidya, Gaurav Khatri stated, “The fundamentals of computer programming and discrete mathematics that I learned at the college has proven to be invaluable. My engineering education background mainly has been helping me to break down complex problems and search for solutions.”


Yes, the fellows recognize the obstacles that lie in the course. As we close in towards the end of the second month, they must have started contemplating the elevation of difficulty. Nonetheless, in the long run, the program is guaranteed to produce fruitful results. Citing the future potentials, fellow Sushil Thapa highly recommends the AI fellowship program to those willing to pursue Artificial Intelligence as a major in their professional and academic life. However, Thapa also issues a caution note. He asks the future participants to prepare to spare at least 30 hours a week solely for the AI fellowship.

Fusemachines is an Artificial Intelligence solutions and services provider that offers AI engineers to companies seeking to develop their capabilities in Big Data & Machine Learning. Learn more at fusemachines.com




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