How Job Sharing in the Workplace Can Increase Productivity

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3 min readFeb 16, 2019

Job sharing is a modern workplace trend where two employees share responsibilities for one full-time job. Both employees work part-time hours. Job sharing is usually implemented by companies that want to attain success and increase revenue by keeping their staff happy with employee engagement programs. The business can scale down costs and enhance the team atmosphere. Implementing job sharing into the company culture is an effective way to increase the productivity in the workplace. Consider the following four ways job sharing can revolutionize your company.

Double the Focus

When two people share a job, and are tasked with the same responsibilities, you’ll benefit from a shared focus that can become more powerful.

Twice the Skillset– Two employees working symbiotically at one job can accomplish more than one person working alone. They both bring twice the work effort, skillset, and knowledge, which can increase daily productivity and ensure that tasks get completed.

Unique Perspectives– Two minds are better than one when trying to accomplish great things in the workplace. Both team members will be able to share unique opinions and help each other to think outside the box to find viable solutions for everyday issues.

Uninterrupted Attention

Job sharing ensures that the job will always get done, even if one of the team members takes a personal or sick day, or goes away on a vacation. The other employee will continue working during that time. If one of the team members gets promoted, decides to resign, or is let go, the job will still get done by the other worker. You’ll benefit from an experienced employee who is then able to train a new individual for the shared job. The employee who stayed on in the job sharing position could pick up the slack and take on more hours until a new partner is hired and fully trained.

Increased Employee Retention

According to research completed by Global Workplace Analytics, 50% of US workers work at jobs that are suitable for partial telecommuting work. The findings further stated that “approximately 20–25% of the US workforce” telecommutes with some regularity.

Job sharing is a great way to increase productivity and keep employees happy because they can complete some of the work at home and they don’t have to maintain full-time hours. This may not be amenable to all workers, especially those who are seeking full-time work. However, finding the right two candidates to share a job can boost workplace productivity since their work-life balance will begin to measure out more equally. They’ll experience less stress at home as they can more easily deal with family schedules and daily pressures, so they will be ready to work at full capacity when on the job.

Improved Recruiting Results

In today’s current job climate, job sharing is becoming more of a trend; an average of 92% of companies are restructuring to become more organizational in structure. They need to focus their recruiting efforts among the millennial and generation Z candidates who are more comfortable with the team player mentality than previous generations. The previous career-centric ideals are changing into a “Team Space Platform” . Job sharing can make the workplace more productive as new recruits get hired at companies that focus on employee engagement and a team structure. Job sharers are generally more apt to work together as a team to ensure that the company wins. Consider implementing job sharing into your workplace structure to increase productivity.

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