Why You Should Embrace AI to Enhance Your Sustainability Program

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3 min readApr 25, 2018

Effectively managing your corporate social responsibility (CSR), financial stability, and carbon footprint are key components of creating a viable sustainability program. These factors are interrelated with the Internet of Things (IoT). It is estimated that 150 billion ‘things’ will be interconnected by 2025. If you want to create a more sustainably-minded business, your dependence on artificial intelligence (AI) must increase.

Rendering Big Data

From implementing personalization in your customer relations action plan to creating the next big innovative app to figuring out ways to save on energy costs — you need to understand Big Data. It is too complex for the human mind to accumulate and analyze alone. Deep machine learning and predictive analysis is the key component in accurately rendering Big Data to expose patterns, tendencies, and connections as they relate to interactions in human behavior.

Artificial Intelligence — uses visual observation, decision-making, speech recognition, and conversion among languages to complete functions that generally need human intelligence.

Your business operating systems will be more sustainable with the implementation of intelligent technology that uses deep learning techniques to adjust performance in specified settings. This smart technology employs high-caliber sensors and software programs to automate and enhance the decision-making process. Predictive modeling is then used to execute actionable steps determined by algorithms and review of Big Data.

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Solving Important Problems

Machine learning enables computer software to learn through intricate algorithms to accurately forecast results without having definitive programming. AI prioritizes data gathering, which is extremely helpful since there is an exponential quantity of data and images that are accrued for analysis.

Smart Technology — like FuseMap uses controls connected to IP networks and digitally-controlled light fixtures to make the temperature in rooms warmer or cooler, and lighter or darker, depending on the occupants inside. Pioneering computer vision camera systems use machine learning to mine and evaluate data from image sources. Algorithms and instinctive comprehension enable the machine to execute informed decisions. This intelligent technology is much more advanced than traditional style motion detectors.

Smart technology can help you save on energy costs while also enhancing the experience and comfort level of occupants, so your company advances CSR action steps and increases sustainability.

Photo by Eddie Kopp on Unsplash

Increasing Productivity Levels

According to a Pew study, 65 percent of Americans believe that the majority of jobs will be automated by 2065. A recent Accenture Report found that artificial intelligence was likely to improve workplace productivity by up to 40 percent in 2035.
Artificial intelligence can effectively render Big Data to make your operational systems more sustainable. Smart technology, like machine learning, can help your company to become more energy efficient and more occupant comfort-minded. Robotic process automation will increase workplace productivity levels. Together, they are the key components of creating a viable sustainability program that can’t be ignored.



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