yi chen
Published in
7 min readNov 6, 2019
Fireworks / via Giphy

Bonfire night is always filled with lights on the sky in England, which called the most beautiful night of the year. There are many other popular celebrations around the world centered around spectacular fireworks.

If today’s Bonfire Night isn’t enough for you, Fuse Media has more whizzes and bangs worldwide.

Japan: Hanabi Festival

“This summer, I wear a bathrobe and hold my beloved’s hand to watch the fireworks conference together, which is the most romantic thing I have ever experienced.” — — said Wei Liu

Japanese fireworks festival / via Sameer

Hanabi Festival is a traditional cultural activity in Japan, which began in Edo era and is one of the summer temple fair activities in Japan. In Japan, there is a tradition of cherry blossom in spring and watch fireworks shows in summer. The time varies with different regions, usually around July and August.

When watching the fireworks conference, they usually wear traditional Japanese bathrobes. Compared with ordinary kimonos, they are expensive and complex. Bathrobes are simple and clear in color, which are popular with young people. They are indispensable for the summer fireworks assembly.

At Hanabi Festival, there will be many fireworks display activities. The colorful fireworks are very beautiful in the summer night. At the same time, there are many night market stalls at the fireworks conference.

Liu Wei, a 30-year-old engineer working in Foshan City, China said: “When I was single, I dreamed of taking my girlfriend to Japan to participate in the fireworks conference, and this year it finally came true.

This summer, I wear a bathrobe and hold my beloved’s hand to watch the fireworks conference together, which is the most romantic thing I have ever experienced.”

A guide to watching fireworks in Japan

South Korea: International Fireworks Festival

“The fireworks show is spectacular and amazing, and there are even some sequences, which are released according to the background music. You will love it.” — — said Fangzi Han

Seoul World Fireworks Festival / via Fangzi Han
Seoul World Fireworks Festival / via Fangzi Han

Seoul World Fireworks Festival is a gorgeous fireworks celebration in the Seoul sky in autumn. Along with the beautiful music played on the riverside stage, thousands of brilliant fireworks were sprayed into the air from the Han River cruise ship. The countries participating in the fireworks festival are slightly different each year.

Up to now, South Korea has taken the lead, and fireworks from China, Italy, the United States, Japan and other countries have bloomed here. Through the performance of the fireworks, we can feel the difference between the East and the West. The fireworks show in front of the 63 building of Hanjiang Park in Ruyi Island attracted many young people, families and people who drank and enjoyed. Various programs on the specially designed stage make the atmosphere more heated and cheering. The surrounding area of the performance site is full of people from the beginning of the day, and many people choose a place a little far away from the performance venue for viewing.

A guide to watching Seoul International Fireworks Festival

Fangzi Han, a 23-year-old student at Busan University in South Korea said: “I strongly recommend that you take part in this because you will definitely like it and have a lot of fun from it. The fireworks show is spectacular and amazing, and there are even some sequences, which are released according to the background music. I believe you will love it.

The atmosphere is really lively. When fireworks gather in the sky, Koreans will cheer for it. Everyone is in a happy mood. It’s really fun to enjoy fried chicken and beers while enjoying fireworks with friends. For me, the only drawback of the fireworks festival is too crowded, just like the Spring Festival festival in China.”

Crowded Seoul Fireworks Festival/ via Fangzi Han

“The only drawback of the fireworks festival is too crowded, just like the Spring Festival festival in China.” — — said Fangzi Han

Singapore:Nation Day Parade Fireworks

Singapore fireworks show/ via Jinhao Guo

“It’s not the first time I’ve seen a fireworks show in Singapore, but I’m sure it’s the most unforgettable one in years.” — — said Jinhao Guo

Cross year fireworks is a major annual event in Singapore. Compared with Sydney and London, it is not only orderly, but also the night scene of the prosperous coastal cities can form a perfect chord with the bright fireworks.
The largest-ever floating platform will be deployed in the waters of Binhai bay to expand the display of fireworks so that the public in front of the government building and the area around Binhai bay can see fireworks lighting up the night sky.

This 450-meter long floating platform is set in the water area in front of the sands of Binhai Bay and the Binhai reservoir, on which hundreds of launching tubes can launch fireworks up to 70 meters to 180 meters. On the night of the celebration, the fireworks team will take a boat to the launch control room not far from the floating platform in the water area, and control the fireworks to launch in real-time according to the progress of the on-site program to create a wonderful performance.

Singapore Nation Day Parade Fireworks/ via mylovelybluesky

Presented in the form of panoramic, it brings the audience a magnificent sensory experience. Fireworks will also be fired from several elevated platforms near the venue of the National Day celebration, which will bring the audience a hot atmosphere at close range.

In line with Singapore’s commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the opening of the port, the National Day Preparatory Committee will also set off fireworks in the Singapore River for the first time this year, marking the historical significance of this river course and allowing more people to watch fireworks.

The National Day fireworks show is a favorite part of many Singaporeans. The special fireworks show with different levels presented in Singapore’s commemoration of the opening of the port for 200 years leaves us a good memory.

A guide to watching Singapore Nation Day Parade Fireworks

Jinhao Guo, a 22-year-old girl studying at Guangdong University of Finance, who spends her summer in Singapore with her family every year, said: “I think the fireworks show in 2019 will be more eye-catching for the locals and tourists, because you can see it in the Binhai Bay area to watch fireworks, while the audience in the grassland of the government building can only see it on the screen.

The time of setting off fireworks is shorter than last year, but it is very wonderful. It’s not the first time I’ve seen a fireworks show in Singapore, but I’m sure it’s the most unforgettable one in years.”

Macao: International Fireworks Display Contest

Macau International Fireworks Display Contest/ via Ruihuan Ye

“The dreamlike fireworks reflected in the sea, gorgeous the whole sky, and also bright on both sides of Zhuhai and Macao.” — — said Ruihuan Ye

The “Macao International Fireworks Competition” hosted by the Tourism Administration of the Macao Special Administrative Region began in 1989, when only five teams participated. Until 1995, the fireworks show went further, from the original five teams to ten, each night by two different teams. So far, more than 100 high-level fireworks companies from all over the world have participated in this event. The Tourism Bureau of Macao SAR government will continue to improve the level of fireworks competition and its international reputation, so as to make it the most famous international fireworks show in the world.
The 30th Macau International Fireworks competition started from the beginning of September and is held every weekend in the open sea of Macao tourist tower. This fireworks competition is to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region and 30 years of fireworks competition. For the first time, 12 world-class excellent fireworks teams are invited to deliver 12 wonderful fireworks performances in six nights.

A guide to Macao International Fireworks Display Contest

Ruihuan Ye, a 23-year-old graduate student at Macao University of science and technology, said: “I watched the last International Fireworks competition in Macao. The long-awaited Japanese team didn’t disappoint people. Although it didn’t have a long-lasting effect on big flower balls, each flower ball can change a variety of colors. The dreamlike fireworks reflected in the sea, gorgeous the whole sky, and also bright on both sides of Zhuhai and Macao.

I think it’s the best place to watch fireworks under the Macao Tower. The view is very wide and there are many positions. Even if you arrive at the last moment, you don’t have to worry about not finding an angle to take photos, because no matter which angle you take, the effect is very good!”

By Yi Chen, online editor of FuseMedia for JN3506

