Weathering My Growth At Fusion

Emmanuel Hong
Published in
3 min readJan 2, 2024

It was a rainy Monday morning in July when I first stepped into Fusion’s office. The gloomy skies cast a muted light on the vibrant orange and red decor, mirroring my mix of anxiety and anticipation. My struggle with logging into my MacBook seemed to resonate with the day’s mood. Yet, beneath the overcast start, a current of optimism flowed within me, as I am quite fond of uncertainty and new experiences.

The day began to brighten with Dan’s friendly tour and Karyn’s cheerful greeting. These interactions, warm and inviting, offered a glimpse of the six months ahead. Despite being a rain-muted morning and the office being barren, my first interactions with Fusion teammates had a warmth that hinted at the potential for growth and connection, as I felt safe in their hands.

My first team meeting was a turning point. The energy in the virtual room, charged with enthusiasm, was a stark contrast to the weather outside. Each member’s individuality added color to the canvas of Fusion, challenging my initial perceptions and worries. As I began to shape and fill in the blank canvas of Fusion in my head, I found myself pondering: would my journey at Fusion reflect the morning’s overcast skies or the vibrant energy of its people?

The following day, bathed in 82-degree sunshine, began to answer that question. This perfect summer weather subtly became the backdrop of my Fusion experience. Like the summer heat, the projects were challenging, pushing me beyond my usual scope as a designer. But also like summer, the heat the projects and tasks brought also meant opportunity for growth and exploration. At Fusion, the role of a designer extended beyond traditional boundaries, embracing a broader spectrum of creativity and problem-solving. And that was more than I was used to at that point of my career.

Initially, adapting to this expansive view of design was like navigating unfamiliar terrain. Designing for new and uncharted areas was intimidating, yet it was in these moments that Fusion’s supportive environment became my anchor. Just like a gentle breeze on a warm day, the team’s guidance was a refreshing and steadying force, offering support without overshadowing my independence. Looking back at my time here, this support, characterized as a gentle breeze, was essential to my growth as a designer. I felt a sense of safety to go fast, break things, and try new things.

Reflecting on my six-month journey, I see each project not just as a task but as a season of growth. It wasn’t solely about the outcomes but about adapting to the ever-changing landscape of creativity and collaboration. My experience at Fusion, akin to that perfect 82-degree day, was about more than comfort and ease. It was about embracing the full spectrum of experiences — from uncertain, overcast beginnings to clear, bright achievements — and crafting something meaningful with each passing day.

In the end, my time at Fusion can be likened to a year in seasons, each with its distinct climate and beauty. Just as an artist uses every shade and tone to create a masterpiece, I used every moment at Fusion to shape my professional and personal growth, painting a journey that extends far beyond the confines of a typical design role.

Thank you, Fusion.

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A Fusion publication. We are employees of UHG and these views are our own and not those of the company nor its affiliates.

