The Fusion Open-Source Payable Staged Network (PSN) is Live. Let the Testing, Learning, and Earning Begin!

FUSION Foundation
FUSION Foundation
Published in
3 min readDec 28, 2018

December 2018

Fusion ends 2018 with a strong finish by launching the PSN, making a host of innovative features outlined in its whitepaper a reality.

“As a team I believe we’ve gone above and beyond any other testnet launch with our Payable Staged Network. We couldn’t have done it without the support of the Fusion Community. It’s a thrill to invite everyone to try the PSN!” states DJ Qian. To hear more from DJ…

PSN Apps and Tech Modules to Try:

  • The Fusion Wallet — The most feature-rich, open-sourced wallet launched with any testnet that allows you to access P-FSN test tokens, time-lock, create assets, and claim your Short Account Number.
  • Staking — A simple way to earn FSN ERC-20 rewards through staking. To get your own node up and running in minutes follow this how-to video.
  • Fusion Block Explorer — Track activity including transactions, price, block height, block time, addresses, activity, and more.
  • Node Monitor — Dashboard for viewing overall network activity including: hashrate, difficulty, block time and more.
  • Quantum Swap — Fusion’s native peer-to-peer asset swap technology that doesn’t rely on smart contracts or third-party intermediaries, currently functional through command the line interface

Coming Soon:

  • Multiple Browser Support — The PSN currently runs on the Chrome browser. Watch for additional browser support to be added.
  • Quantum Swap UI — In the coming weeks the prototype Quantum Swap UI will be released.
  • ERC-20 Support — Currently the PSN supports P-FSN tokens, in the upcoming ERC-20 asset gateway code release expect to see ERC-20 token support on the network.

PSN Resources:

Get Involved, Get Focused, Get Rewarded:

As a community goal, the first task is to build out browser support beyond Chrome e.g. Safari, Explorer and operating systems: Windows, Linux and Mac. The open source APIs can be found here.

Open-source projects rely on community involvement to grow and improve. In the coming weeks Fusion will publish a formal bug bounty program familiar to the development community. In the meantime, The Fusion Foundation welcomes feedback from anyone and will reward contributions from the community that help build the network prior to the bug bounty program launch.

We look forward to evolving and enhancing the modules in the coming months and the innovation of the community as you take these tools to create solutions that the world has not seen yet. 2019 will be an exciting year for Fusion!



FUSION Foundation
FUSION Foundation

An Exciting New Era of Cryptofinance for the Internet of Values.