Navigating the WebSummit: Insights and Tips from a First-Time Attendee

Genadii Ganebnyi
Published in
4 min readNov 1, 2023


Last year, I had the opportunity to attend my first WebSummit, a global technology conference that brings together a myriad of startups, established companies, and individual entrepreneurs. Alongside my team, we presented two startups — ViarLive and DelyIO — and showcased our software development services offered by FusionWorks. As we approach the next WebSummit, which is just around the corner, I find myself reflecting on my experience and have decided to share my insights to help first-time attendees navigate this vast and bustling event.

Adapting to the Environment

For newcomers, the WebSummit environment can be overwhelming, and you may need a day or two to adapt. Make sure to give yourself time to get accustomed to the venue, learn the layout, and understand how to navigate between different sections. This initial adaptation period is crucial for maximizing your experience in the following days.

Crowds and Focus: A Delicate Balance

One of the first things you’ll notice at WebSummit is the sheer number of people. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and lose focus amidst the hustle and bustle. While it’s great to have a diverse crowd for networking and exposure, it’s crucial to have a clear agenda and set of goals to ensure a productive experience. Take the time before the event to identify the key panels, talks, and booths that align with your interests and objectives. This focused approach will help you make meaningful connections, gather valuable insights, and achieve tangible results.

Seeking Openness and Depth

The talks, and speeches at WebSummit can be a mixed bag. Some presenters are more open and transparent than others, and not all sessions provide the depth of information you might be seeking.

The same applies to the masterclasses. Very few of them offer the level of detail or expertise you’re seeking. Unfortunately, a lot of companies at WebSummit use masterclasses to raise awareness about their tools and services rather than sharing some valuable knowledge.

But talking to people at booths could be a real treasure. There are a lot of professionals ready to share their insights and experience in technology and business.

Embracing the Challenge for Introverts

For introverts like myself, large conferences can be intimidating. However, the WebSummit provides a unique opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and practice approaching people and initiating conversations. Remember, everyone is there to network and connect, so take a deep breath and seize the opportunity to hone your social skills.

Maximizing Your Location

Your booth’s location can significantly impact your experience and the opportunities available to you. Investors and key decision-makers may not venture out to distant pavilions, so if your booth is located in a less-trafficked area, be proactive and take the initiative to approach them in more central locations.

Building a Strong Team

The WebSummit is too vast for any one person to cover entirely. Ensure you have a strong, diverse team with you to help cover different aspects of the event, attend various sessions, and network with different groups of people. A collaborative approach will help maximize your reach and impact.

Don’t forget to use the WebSummit app

It really helps to keep track of your connection and schedule. Also having a notebook at your hand for quickly writing down the notes is a good addition. Don’t rely on your memory ;)

Preparing for Physical Endurance

Last but not least, be prepared for long days on your feet. The WebSummit spans a large area, and you’ll find yourself walking a lot. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes, stay hydrated, and take breaks when needed to maintain your energy levels throughout the event.


The WebSummit is a whirlwind of opportunities, learning, and networking. With the right preparation and mindset, it can be an incredibly rewarding experience. By focusing your efforts, embracing the challenges, and building a strong support team, you can navigate the crowds and complexity of WebSummit and come away with valuable connections, insights, and skills that will serve you well in your professional journey.

Have a great WebSummit!

