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Fusonic is a web development agency in Vorarlberg, Austria focussed on building progressive web apps and the like.
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A pragmatic architecture— API Docs 5/5

In the previous post, we implemented and configured the messaging infrastructure thereby now have a fully working example from request to response and from the controller, the message handler to a repository and all the way back.

A pragmatic architecture — CQRS 4/5

In the previous post we took a look on how to create objects from requests, validate them and if they are valid pass them as arguments directly on to a controller action as an argument. Now we want to really process the request or in our case the command or query…

A pragmatic architecture — Argument Value Resolver 3/5

In the previous part I explained our file structure, routing with the REST endpoints and how our controllers work. In this part we are going to have a look at how to pass those automatically created command and query objects to the…

A pragmatic architecture — REST 2/5

In the previous part I explained what we wanted to achieve and how we accomplished that. Now let’s get started with some code. We are going to build a small SPA that will showcase all the different parts we saw in the previous articles. You can find the example used…