It’s all about the community!

Ziga Luksa
Published in
4 min readMay 8, 2018

There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about. (Meg J. Wheatley)

First of all, we would like to thank each and every one of you for your incredible contribution in our first ever Futourist competition! You are AMAZING!

We were truly overtaken by receiving so many exceptional ideas, but what excited us the most was to see that you seem to be just as passionate about Futourist as we are. While reading your ideas, there was a message that was speaking to us loudly and clearly: “It’s all about the community!” And we could not agree with your more. Our first ideas sharing competition already shows what power a community of like-minded people brain storming together can have. Let’s look through trough some of your most voted ideas:

In a lot of your contributed ideas and comments, you emphasized the importance of listening to the community, recognizing its true value and making sure it feels as appreciated as it should be. We hope that we have in some way or another already shown you how important every member of the Futourist community is to us and one of our top priorities is to continue to do so. Futourist is in its essence a community-based project, so we will always put YOU and your needs first.

While talking about your needs and desires, we were very happy to have already had the chance to grant you one of your strongest wishes — the ability to change FTR tokens to other currencies. We have just recently officially announced our partnership with Sofitto, which will add the ability to support tokenized fiat currency, so you will be able to spend your money and crypto in amazing places all over the world!

Another important issue which you pointed out was ensuring that Futourist platform offers enough privacy for its users. Users’ privacy and security is of vital importance to us and we will definitely do everything in our power to make sure that all your private data is safely secured. However, when discussing the privacy of transactions, a broader perspective is first needed. While keeping all transactions completely private and hidden may seem like a good idea at first, on the long run, this may affect the trust/transparency between Futourist and its community. Futourist is using blockchain not only to distribute rewards, but also to do so in a transparent manner.Therefore, we are building a system where all rewards and transactions are connected to content instead of users — we call this “Proof of content” and this provides needed transparency between single transaction and content that was rewarded. There are also certain legal aspects that prevent complete anonymity between transaction and user. However, users and their private data will always be excluded from this connection, ensuring you the privacy you need to feel safe and secured.

The last, but definitely not the least feature we want to emphasize from the mostly supported ideas in our competition, is to offer VIP accounts and blog platforms to all accomplished travel-loving content creators, who could indeed have a huge effect on our community. With our team’s strong background in working with social influencers, we definitely recognize their immense potential and believe that content creators are an extremely important part of Futourist. You will be able to read more on this topic in one of our future blogposts.

We are getting closer and closer towards achieving our goal — revolutionizing travel industry, or as we, Futourists call it, the era of TREVOLUTION! We could not have done it without your heart-warming support! Thank you again for everything!

The greatest power for change comes from the community!

If you have any more questions about our project you can always ask us in our Telegram chat.

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Ziga Luksa

CEO & Co-founder of Futourist. Inspired by unusual details and how things intersect.