Sharing is caring

Anja Vidrih
Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2018

The rise of sharing economy is changing the way people interact with one another as well as their perception of the value of their shared material goods or skills. According to eMarketer, over a quarter of US adult internet users — or more than 56 million people used sharing economy service at least once in 2017. The idea of sharing has spread all over the world and by research estimates, the numbers are only going to rise further, resulting in up to 87 million sharing users by 2021 in US alone. For those of you, who are maybe not yet as familiar with the expression sharing economy; it is a term, used to describe the sharing of people’s goods, services or knowledge amongst each other, usually facilitated by a community-based online platform — some of the most famous examples being Airbnb’s house lending or Uber’s ridesharing.

Services for lending houses, cars or other belongings have already wildly spread and are now being used by millions, but material possessions are not the only thing people can share amongst each other — from sharing knowledge to skills (or even spouses), people can share just about anything. And what is the one thing people nowadays are sharing more than anything else in the world? The answer, staring us right in the face as we spend hours every day scrolling through numerous texts, photos and videos, is of course — content.

According to LinkedIn, a bewildering number of 4,6 billion pieces of content are shared every day.

Can you imagine a world where you instantly get rewarded for every picture, video or blog you post on the internet, the size of the reward depending on the number of people who find your content interesting or helpful? After all, getting paid for content which helps others is just as reasonable and fair as getting paid for helping somebody by sharing your house or car.

One of the most shared pieces of content, which are also one of the most helpful kinds of information available on the internet today, are reviews. Did you know that there are more than 600 million reviews available on TripAdvisor, written only from the goodness of people’s heart, caring about helping others by giving them meaningful advice and a taste of their experience? On top of that, sharing reviews does not only help other people with making their daily choices. It is even more vital for businesses, as reviews are directly correlated with their revenues. If a business gets a lot of positive reviews, that will definitely help them gain bigger profits — on Yelp, a one star rating increase leads to a 5–9% increase in business revenues! So, it would only seem fair that the people who helped them on their way towards success would also get their share of reward for doing so.

The basis of every sharing economy service is to build a trustworthy community of people with similar interests, helping them to connect with each other, but more importantly, help them recognize the value of their amenities and empower people to start making the most out of what they have to offer the world; and Futourist aims to do exactly that — creating the first blockchain based review platform that will reward you for your content, we want to help you start claiming what was rightfully yours all along! No matter if you just like to share your travel experiences from time to time or are fully invested in creating meaningful content that will reach a wider audience, Futourist will always reward you for the significant contributions you are making to the society.

You are already making this world a better place. It’s time for us to return the favour and make the world a better place for you!

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