The FUTRSPRT Interview Series: LeagueApps President Jeremy Goldberg

LeagueApps is Helping Youth Sports Thrive

5 min readDec 12, 2019


Courtesy of LeagueApps

By Matt Bowen

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FUTRSPRT Interview Series presents conversations with some of the sharpest minds in sports tech. Leaving no angle of competition or fan experience unscathed FUTRSPRT showcases those creating the future of sports right before our eyes.

FUTRSPRT’s Matt Bowen spoke with LeagueApps President Jeremy Goldberg recently about youth sports, the company’s mission, and what technologies will influence the future of sports.

Courtesy of LeagueApps

What’s interesting about LeagueApps is well, everything. A quick trip to the company’s website and one notices a few things that say everything about President Jeremy Goldberg’s train of thought.

Courtesy of LeagueApps

“Your Sports Future, Now.”

Yes, the surging company is making it very apparent that it will be an integral part of sports, now and in the future. Truth be told, Goldberg is constantly thinking about the future, in ways FUTRSPRT never expected.

One of those such ways is the evergrowing reach LeagueApps has in the youth sports community. It’s not a company on an island by itself, beating its own drum-LeagueApps is becoming a staple in sports.

Need proof?

At the top of its website above the navigation bar, you’ll notice a webinar with Dan Porter, CEO of Overtime. The webinar is quaintly titled, “Designing for Youth.”

This, in a nutshell, is the strength of LeagueApps. Its surging tech platform combined with its authentic focus on community is undeniable. “Your Sports Future, Now” may soon read, “Your Sports Future, Now and Forever in the Future.”

Need further proof that LeagueApps is legit? Look at some of its investors:

Courtesy of LeagueApps

What is LeagueApps Today?

“LeagueApps is an operating system for the youth sports industry”, says Jeremy Goldberg, President of LeagueApps.

“Our solutions are made for youth sports professionals. Our roots are out of Sportsvite, which was successful in assisting athletes in need of a pickup game. The basis behind Sportsvite was thinking about organizations that were making sports happen.”

“Our vision now is to enable the future of youth sports.”

“We initially aimed to build tech and software but found that emerging youth sports professionals wanted a connected community, so we broadened our approach.”

The company is well on its way to the winner’s podium — with over 10 million participants its impact is undeniable.

What may not be known about LeagueApps is the following:

FundPlay — LeagueApps donates a percentage of every dollar spent on its platform to further its mission to deliver amazing sports experiences for all.

NextUp — LeagueApps hosts its very own Youth Sports Industry Conference. LeagueApps found that there was a desire for an event like this. People wanted to build a community around youth sports.

Sports. Technology. Community.

This is how LeagueApps lives and breathes.

What Are Some Pleasant Surprises You’ve Enjoyed Along the Way?

“We’ve really started to understand how teams succeed. Our company defined a vision and value many years ago and it has defined our culture to this day.”

We thrive because of SPORTSDOG.

Courtesy of LeagueApps

“It stands for Sportsmanship, Passion, Openness, Results, Team, Student of the Game, Difference Maker, and Grit”, states Goldberg.

“We never expected that this foundation we set back then would continue to define us today. We have a serious culture build around our values.”

Personally, What’s the Tech You’re Most Excited About?

“I’m constantly thinking about where the youth sports industry is going.”

“Overall, youth sports is following the overall tech scene. Automation, machine learning, data, AR/VR, payment collecting, and wearables are all becoming prevalent in our industry right now. We now have youth sports data scientists on staff in order to provide our community with the best insights for our organizations, players, and communities.”

“Your Sports Future, Now.”

What’s the Next Tech Launch for LeagueApps?

“How do we positively impact youth sports entrepreneurs? This is a question we’re always asking ourselves as a business.”

“To date, we now have five different youth sports technologies working together and eight overall in the business. This can be an operational challenge at times. We know that the best tech allows interoperability — we’re always thinking about how we continue to build so that everything works seamlessly.”

“We’re also working on things that will impact the participant experience.”

Goldberg doesn’t tip his hand to FUTRSPRT yet he says all the right things — a great sign for LeagueApps in the future.

FUTRSPRT knows this — after speaking with many in the sportstech industry the №1 newsmaker in 2020 will be the Platform of Platforms — LeagueApps appears to be precisely that in the youth sports sector.

In 3 Years LeagueApps Will Be Known for _______?

“LeagueApps will continue to define and lead the youth sports industry. This is reflected in our commitment to innovation and accessibility(FundPlay).”

Goldberg ends with, “Our youth sports organizations are our most important asset.”

Unknowingly, and very fittingly, he concludes with a reference to the company’s values.


Fun Fact: In 2019, LeagueApps was ranked 273 on Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500™, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences and energy tech companies in North America.

Even better, during FUTRSPRT’s conversation with Goldberg he mentioned something very futuristic, that he often imagines the future of (driverless) transportation and the positive impact it’ll have on the youth sports industry. This is fascinating — if kids don’t have to worry about getting a ride to/from practice, everyone will be able to play.

That thought is nothing short of magnificent.




Home of the bi-weekly podcast covering the ever-changing intersection between sports and technology. Created by Bram Weinstein and Simon Ogus.