Which Programming Language to Learn in 2020

Here’s what you should be learning in 2020.

Kevin Gabeci


Which Programming Language to Learn in 2020

In today’s world, one of the most important skills is the ability to write a program. So which is the best programming language to learn in 2020?

After all, technology has spread everywhere and almost controls our entire life now. You can see it in factories, transportation, home appliances, and much more.

The Current Popularity of the Programming Languages Coming to 2020

popularity of programming languages in 2020
Screenshot by Author. Source for this information.

However, this is not a clear indication as to which languages are more prevalent in the years to come. Kotlin, for example, is a great language that is required a lot and has seen a huge trend in popularity; some might even say it’s more popular now.

Typescript is also a newer language with a huge rise in popularity, which could be because of Microsoft. Anyway, there is a lot of data on the internet about this topic, and this article is prepared according to the data we see most reliable.

Most popular languages on GitHub as of January 2020

github popularity of programming languages in 2020
Screenshot by Author. Source for this information.

As you can see, Github shows us different placements and this information comes from the searches and repositories on the site. Unlike our first Graph, which was data from Google Trends and Searches on Google and Youtube.

Clearly, on both the graphs, even thou not in the top 10, Kotlin has made a huge rise. The most growing language in the last 12 months is Typescript, as supported by data. I also took an interest in it this year and was pleasantly surprised.

We could spend all day here interpreting data and adding them to this article, but we are not going to do that. Instead, we will give you our opinion on which language you should consider learning going ahead.

Closing Thoughts

Kotlin is a statically typed language whose syntax is more expressive and concise than that of Java. With features like higher-order functions, lambda expressions, operator overloading, string templates, etc. Kotlin has a lot more to offer to the table. Its cross-platform availability makes it truly the programmer’s choice for 2020.

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TL.DR. It’s Kotlin.



Kevin Gabeci

My mission is to inspire and educate my audience through insightful and engaging content.