Former CIA Analyst Points to Exotic Energy Sources that Could Avert Climate Change

Dick Samson, EraNova Institute Director
Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2017

Futuristic energy technlologies, all but ignored by policy makers, could save us from planetary catastrophe just in the nick of time, according to Tom Whipple, who investigated energy issues for the CIA for 30 years.

Whipple now edits the daily Peak Oil News and the weekly Peak Oil Review, both published by the Association for the Study of Peak Oil-USA. He also writes a weekly column on peak oil issues for the Falls Church News Press.

Tom Whipple

In that capacity he tracks emerging alternatives to petroleum and brings a seasoned perspective to controversial developments.

Two game-changing technologies, much more consequential than solar or wind, now appear close to commercialization, according to Whipple. But they are all but ignored by mainstream reporters. They are:

  • Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR), a promising spinoff of cold-fusion research now being conducted by governmental, academic, and commercial organizations around the globe, and
  • SunCell(R) plasma technology from Brilliant Light Power of New Jersey. This proprietary process “directly generates electricity from the reaction of hydrogen to dark matter using water freely available in the humidity in the air,” according to the company.

Why are these technologies so little known?

Although both have been under development for years, “they are based on scientific principles not as yet well understood and controversial,” Whipple explains. “The controversy surrounding them accounts for the lack of publicity in the mainstream media.”

Now may be the time for that to change. Whipple makes a good case for it in this report:

Whipple’s ongoing reports are well worth following by intrepid reporters as well as concerned citizens.

Click here for a brief bio of Whipple. And click here for a 2013 Washington Post article about him.

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