Get in on the future “Before the Flood”

Dick Samson, EraNova Institute Director
Published in
1 min readOct 25, 2016
Scene from Before the Flood official Trailer #1 (2016) starring Leonardo DiCaprio

An incredible, positive future lies ahead — IF we adapt to the full impact of climate change. Watch this trailer now to see what’s coming (just 2:53 minutes):

Then make a date to watch the whole movie … and join the drive to adapt, survive and thrive.

Release date is October 30, 2016.

>> CLICK HERE to watch the feature-length film online free (On October 30 or later) on the National Geographic Channel and other platforms; and later, in theatres.

Solving climate change and creating a sustainable future is part of the shift from “the world” as we have known it to a potential “superworld” in which we protect our planet as never before. This supertrend is one of six key supertrends toward an unprecedented future. See overview: Future Alerts: TOP TRENDS / early access.

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