The Future of Automated Analytics and Augmented Decision-Making. Only at Future Data

Future Data
Future Data
Published in
2 min readAug 6, 2020


By: Future Data Team

Registration for Future Data opened only a week ago, but the initial response has been inspiring. Hundreds have signed up already, rapidly building this new community of data experts. And more are joining daily, bridging industries and coming together to talk all things data.

Today we’re sharing a sneak peek at some of the leading voices you can expect to hear from at the conference.

Automating Analysis with Pat Hanrahan

Tableau co-Founder, Stanford professor, and 2019 Turing Award winner Pat Hanrahan will kick-off Future Data on Tuesday, September 8th.

In his session, he’ll explore how advances in machine learning, particularly in deep learning, will change the future of analysis. Pat will dive into critical questions like, “Can AI be applied to analysis?” and “Can people doing analysis be replaced by automated systems?”

Supporting Decision-Makers in Uncertainty with Azza Abouzied

Next up, we have Azza Abouzied, Assistant Professor, Computer Science at NYU, Abu Dhabi, who knows all about taking data from the “what” to the “what do we do about it.” In her research, she explores the question, “How can we augment underlying database systems with efficient problem-solving capabilities in inherent uncertainty?”

Don’t miss her session on Tuesday, September 8th, where she’ll share her work on building prescriptive analytics tools for everything from epidemic control to stock investment.

We’ll be sharing more speakers over the next few weeks, but there’s no need to wait: the agenda is live, and we’re adding speakers weekly.

Register today and confirm your ticket to hear from Azza, Pat, and the full cast of leading voices in data.

See you at Future Data!



Future Data
Future Data

Building a creative, audacious, and visionary community of next-generation analytics leaders. #futuredata