Sora AI Storm Could hit 200,000 Content Creators Immediately!

Chan Kulatunga
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2024

The rapid advancement of OpenAI’s groundbreaking tool, Sora, is poised to send shockwaves through the Hollywood industry and beyond. Its potential impact could lead to over 200,000 job losses and reshape various sectors within entertainment and digital media.

Sora’s Game-Changing Capability

At the heart of this disruption lies Sora’s remarkable ability to generate video content from simple text prompts. This seemingly innocuous feature has far-reaching implications for Hollywood professionals across different domains.

1. Screenwriters and Creative Teams

Traditionally, screenwriters and creative teams have been the architects of cinematic narratives — conceiving intricate plots, crafting memorable characters, and penning compelling dialogues. However, Sora’s emergence introduces a new dynamic. By transforming basic text into complex video content, Sora threatens to reduce the demand for human screenwriters, particularly during the initial concept and draft stages. While top-tier creative roles will likely continue to rely on human ingenuity for nuanced storytelling, AI-driven tools could increasingly handle routine, formulaic, or short-form content creation. This shift may significantly impact employment and creative processes in the industry.

2. Production Crews

The visual realization of a script rests heavily on production crews, including directors, cinematographers, and set designers. Their expertise brings stories to life on screen. Yet, Sora’s prowess in generating video content could disrupt this status quo. For specific types of scenes — such as background shots, simulations, or visual effects sequences — where intricate human creativity isn’t paramount, AI-driven solutions might replace the need for extensive human-led production crews. As Sora refines its capabilities, Hollywood professionals may find themselves adapting to a new landscape.

3. Actors and Extras

AI-generated videos can now feature remarkably realistic human-like characters. This development poses a challenge to traditional actors and extras. Roles that don’t require complex emotional performances — such as minor characters or scenes easily simulated by AI — could see a reduction in demand for human talent. The entertainment industry may witness a shift as AI steps into the spotlight, potentially altering the employment landscape for actors and extras.

4. Post-Production Roles

Post-production encompasses critical tasks like editing, visual effects, and sound design. Here, too, Sora’s impact looms large. By automating certain aspects of post-production — especially in editing and visual effects — Sora could revolutionize workflows. Content creators may find themselves collaborating with AI tools to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and deliver high-quality results.


As the storm gathers, Hollywood professionals must prepare for a new era — one where Sora’s capabilities intersect with human creativity. While challenges lie ahead, the fusion of AI and entertainment promises exciting possibilities and uncharted territories.

