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Time for media to grow up

Bjarke Calvin
Future Friday
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2019


Those of us who think the role of media is to bring enlightenment and diverse, respectful debates to humanity feel that we are in a void. The traditional media industry seems to be hiding behind the illusion that they still matter, and that the world will somehow magically abandon social networks. On the other hand, the new mass medium, Facebook, is built for the networked age but is not made to empower people but rather to benefit advertisers.
We need to fix this and introduce new kinds of insightful media networks. Otherwise, it could be fatal for us as a species. All the problems we face from climate change to war need a collective mindset to be solved, but social media is isolating us from thinking collectively.

So it’s time for media to grow up and fill the enlightenment void. This week I found two inspirational insights from the Duckling Network about this topic, and since the future of media is also my mission, I created an insight of my own as well. Find more on Duckling.

Douglas Rushkoff: The problem with media revolutions…

View it in 3 minutes: Rushkoff is on a mission to bring together what he calls “team human” to fix our common future. It this insight he muses about media revolutions. View insight

Bjarke Calvin: Remembering newspapers to build the world after social media

View it in 3 minutes: I won’t spare you from one of my own insights, and this even goes back to my childhood, before it leaps into the future. View insight

Amy Giddon: Rebuilding a way to connect for humans

View it in 2 minutes: In the fall of 2016 when the social fabric of Americans began to feel frayed, Amy Giddon saw something that inspired her to build a new kind of online media network. View insight



Bjarke Calvin
Future Friday

Digital storyteller. Entrepreneur, consultant. I am a humble contributer to the next age of human enlightenment. Current project: