Dr. Edwin Alex Floate
Future Horizons
Published in
1 min readApr 3, 2020


Copywrite Horizons Foresight, LLC. Used with permission.

April 3, 2020

Today is the launch day of the Medium publication Future Horizons.

The vision for this publication is a place for professional futurists to provide various views of our possible futures and explore the methods by which we arrive at those views. We will deliver these views through scenario explorations, trend analysis, surveying weak signals, and science-fiction. How foresight is valuable to organizations and society will also be discussed with investigations of the methodologies and practices best suited to create forward-thinking and innovative individuals and groups.

I encourage you to subscribe to this publication to ensure notification of new articles. The first few published articles will give you a view of what we are trying to achieve; these articles were developed before the COVID-19 pandemic. However, we are producing materials on the crisis based on professional foresight methodologies, and hope to share them soon.

Thank you,

Dr. E. Alex Floate




Dr. Edwin Alex Floate
Future Horizons

Professional futurist and consultant. Education and experience in social science, business, strategic leadership, and strategic foresight.