Welcome to Future Imperfect

Joshua Lasky
Future Imperfect
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2016
Photo Credit: rcorron via DeviantArt

Hi friends!

I hope you’re enjoying your Sunday morning routine, whether it’s watching EPL, hitting up the bottomless mimosa bar, or frankly (I know my audience) still sleeping! I’ll let you get back to that in a moment, but I just wanted to let you know that I’m starting my own publication called Future Imperfect. My goal here is to bring together the best thinking I’m seeing across future-related topics, including tech, media, defense, politics, science, science-fiction, and more.

My concept for this project arose out of my frustration with the dozens of newsletters and aggregators that provide content and links that are far too superficial in topic and scope:

  • Boilerplate posts like “10 Lessons I Learned While Starting My Startup” and “Increasing Your SEO and CTR, For Dummies.” It’s a wonder that algorithms can’t mass produce this stuff yet. (or can they?)
  • 90 percent of the lifehacks that get published on LinkedIn and Medium. Especially anything that involves waking up at 6AM.
  • The dozens of articles that publish simultaneously at every turn of the news cycle to describe how Donald Trump is (insert negative adjective here). We know. It’s still not affecting his poll numbers.

In the grand scheme of things, maybe the fifth iteration of how you can maximize your work routine by 9AM is not quite so useful — instead, I think an examination of the implications of predictive policing on society would be more interesting. Or perhaps a look at what the future of America’s force projection really looks like. With this publication I’m hoping to provide at least momentary relief from the constant deluge of fluff with articles and topics you might not be seeing elsewhere.

I expect to get started this upcoming week, with one in-depth article per week (probably published over weekends), and an email to your inbox on Thursdays with five of the best articles I’ve seen on future topics as well as a GIF of the week (because I love GIFs). Expect stuff like this. Or this.

If this does sound like something you’d be interested in, go ahead and follow Future Imperfect on the publication page, and make sure you’re subscribed to its letters. I always welcome feedback—just shoot me an email, or tweet me your thoughts!

GIF of the Day: How to blow someone’s mind in 1990

- Joshua



Joshua Lasky
Future Imperfect

Audience and Insights specialist. Formerly @Revmade , @Atlanticmedia , Remedy Health Media.