✍Can AI Write Your Copy?

Future Marketing
Published in
3 min readNov 15, 2018

Issue 5: CognitionX — The Future of Marketing — a weekly round-up on AI and emerging tech

Read on for an artificial creativity themed round up:

  • 📈 Huge 38% CPL reduction for Secret Escapes
  • 🎨 Is digital growth killing creativity?
  • 💡 AI solutions for common marketing problems by Crimson Hexagon CMO
  • 💰 Baidu-led $300m round for elevator advertising startup

Don’t forget to check out cognitionx.com for more articles, research papers, and insights.

Business Impact of AI

Secret Escapes: How machine learning reduced cost per lead by 38%
Secret Escapes has an incredibly complex ad bidding setup, with thousands of possible combinations. The brand adopted a ML driven Google Ads Smart Bidding approach called Target CPA which…

  • improved click-through rate by 23%
  • ​produced 65% more conversions
  • resulted in a 38% lower cost per lead than the brand’s previous bidding setup.

Incredible impact. Other ML tools for marketers are listed at the end of the case study.

Education and Advice We Rate

AI Powered Everything: The Second Marketing Revolution
High quality content as always from Scott Brinker’s Chief Marketer site. Lou Jordano argues that the current automated world of platform advertising is a second marketing revolution, the first, outlined by Robert Keith in his seminal 1960 article, having been completed.

He then maps dedicated AI-based solutions to nine generic marketing flow processes — see below.


Digital growth is killing creative quality, say most marketers
A study of 500 brand marketers across Europe and the US gives insight into the attempted marriage of digital advertising and powerful creative work. Key takeaways:

  • Nearly 70% of marketers surveyed believe that “digital growth in advertising has come at the expense of the quality of creative”
  • 84% say “A.I. means nothing without the creative to support it”
  • 53% say the cost to implement is the highest barrier to deploying Dynamic Creative Optimisation.
Credit: Sizmek Report 2018

Artificial Creativity

How AI is Transforming Copywriting
Would you want a creative assistant? Hear views from those in the know: Elliott Sedegah, Senior PM at Adobe; James Gill, head of Content Marketing at Further; Preeti Adhikary, VP marketing at Fusemachines.

The summary — AI will augment copy and optimise its distribution.


Baidu leads $300M investment to bring its search smarts to elevator ads
Xinchao Media, a company that shows people ads when they’re waiting for an elevator (or stuck in one) has closed a bumper $300M funding round, forming a strategic partnership with Baidu in the process. Xinchao will benefit from Baidu’s search data analytics and algorithmic distribution tools, Baidu will boosts its offline channels — pure chemistry!

Credit: TechCrunch


Hooked on a feeling: The forgotten factor in online advertising
Jacqui Wallace explains why mechanical programmatic techniques are outdated, and how brands can embrace mood to boost ROI and improve customer experience.

We’re stuck using outmoded concepts such as segmentation and demographic groups, when what marketers should be seeking is a prospect’s mood or mindset.

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