🌡 Targeted … By Your Temperature?

Future Marketing
Published in
3 min readNov 14, 2018

Issue 2: CognitionX — The Future of Marketing — a weekly briefing on AI and emerging tech

Welcome to this issue of CognitionX briefing — news, thoughts and updates on the use of AI in marketing, advertising, and more.

As the ANA met for their annual Masters of Marketing in Orlando, privacy was the word on everyone’s lips.

Read on for a similarly themed weekly run down…

  • 💰 People.ai’s $30m fundraising
  • 🌡 Targeted…by your temperature?
  • 📈 Amazon ramping up their advertising marketplace

Don’t forget to check out cognitionx.com for more articles, research papers, and insights.


People.ai raises $30 Million for AI Sales Analysis
Predicting sales and marketing productivity isn’t exactly a walk in the park. But People.ai — an AI platform for enterprise revenue — has the solution. It claims it’s able to automate over 90 percent of customer relationship data entry and to precisely match buying groups with deals. Applicable across all sales, marketing and customer service functions, the efficiency and insights seem a no brainer for marketing managers.

Enter Andreessen Horowitz, Lightspeed Ventures, GGV Capital and Y Combinator.


Facebook Attribution now available to all advertisers
Managing digital platform ad spend is notoriously difficult for marketeers. In a welcome move, Facebook has beaten Google and Amazon to the punch with it’s free ‘data-driven attribution tool’ now out of Beta.

The ML based tool brings transparency and control to advertisers on the complex platform. Unlike Google’s Beta, however, FBs service does not feed back into it’s Ad manager to inform bidding.


This thermometer tells your temperature, then tells firms where to advertise
Internet-connected thermometers, courtesy of San Fran based Kinsa, sending flu data to Clorox, a consumer products co, to inform ad targeting for related products: anti-bacteria wipes and cough mixture. What a story.

As usual with IoT technologies, discourse covers the balancing act between convenience and privacy.


At the ANA meeting, data privacy and transparency take centre stage
The industry is many months out of GDPR going into effect, but marketers are still wrapping their head around the impact. Unsurprisingly, Data Privacy is expected to feature heavily at the ANA’s Masters of Marketing this year — good news. Follow the conference for brand strategy road maps from the likes of P&G, Unilever and BofA.

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BrainTrust CAA-GBG and CreatorIQ launch influencer data mapping
AI technology is about to make influencer marketing more transparent and measurable according to a new white paper released by BrainTrust CAA-GBG and CreatorIQ.

The paper importantly analyses how creators help support brand goals at every level of the marketing funnel, beyond traditional reach and engagement metrics.


How Amazon is talking about Big Data with Madison Avenue
“Amazon, for the first time ever, is starting to realize that monetizing the data they have and making it available for purchase, not personally identifiable information, could open a revenue steam that wasn’t there before”

On this, having recently led global ops for Amazon, Bobby Figueroa — CEO of Gradient — has just raised $3.5m to help brands optimise their presence on the marketplace he used to run.



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