Door to door with Lindsey Dougherty

Future Now USA
Future Now
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2019

She’s fought for kids and will fight for Virginia

At Future Now Fund, we’re obsessively focused on winning state legislative majorities. And what’s the best way to win? Knocking doors.

That’s why we invited our nine endorsed challengers running for the Virginia House of Delegates to participate in the Door Knocking Challenge, a first-of-its-kind initiative to get candidates off the phone with donors and in front of voters. Over the coming months, you’ll hear from these FNF endorsees ‒ hopefully as they are lacing up a new pair of sneakers!

Next up: Lindsey Dougherty! She’s a fierce advocate for children running to represent Chesterfield County and parts of Hopewell City.

What should people know about your district?
The 62nd House District is wonderfully diverse with passionate people working every day to make our communities better. I am excited to be a part of the progress we are making for those who haven’t had a voice in the district in a very long time.

What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned knocking doors?
That people are shocked that a person running to represent them is knocking on their door. Voter outreach and meaningful engagement should be the norm, not the exception.

What one essential thing do you always bring with you when you canvass?

What is the top issue voters talk to you about when you canvass?
Access to affordable healthcare, mental healthcare, specifically. This issue touches so many lives and we need representatives who are willing to address the larger areas preventing access to quality care inside all of our communities.

What’s your favorite part of knocking doors? Your least favorite?
My favorite parts are the conversations I get to have one-on-one with people. There is so much common ground here and I want the decisions and policies that I shape to be based on the needs of the most people. Personal stories of voters should be the biggest influence to a representative, if that isn’t happening, communities deserve someone who will listen and put their interests first in Richmond.

My least favorite part is having a low answer rate. Until the last few decades, communities thrived on personal interactions and I would love to see that brought back. If you hear someone at the door, take a moment and chat with them. If you weren’t home, call them back and schedule a time to meet in person. Accountability happens when voters are engaged!



Future Now USA
Future Now

We’re building the power to improve lives — by winning state legislative majorities and working with them to achieve goals for the common good.