The Virginia Door Knocking Challenge

Future Now USA
Future Now
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2019

How we’re keeping candidates in front of voters!

Personally knocking on doors is the most effective way for a candidate to persuade people to vote for them. Period.

As our team brainstormed how to have the biggest possible impact in Virginia, we came back again and again to the same question: How do we get candidates off the phone with donors and onto the doors to actually meet voters?

Our solution: The Virginia Door Knocking Challenge. It’s a first-of-its-kind voter contact program to flip the Virginia Legislature by keeping candidates focused on people, not chasing donations.

How it works

Based on Future Now Fund’s unparalleled district-level analytics, we are endorsing nine inspiring challengers running to flip the seats where our support can make the biggest difference and change the balance of power in the Virginia House of Delegates: Larry Barnett (HD-27), Joshua Cole (HD-28), Sheila Bynum-Coleman (HD-66), Clint Jenkins (HD-76), Len Myers (HD-81), Nancy Guy (HD-83), Karen Mallard (HD-84), Phil Hernandez (HD-100), and the winner of the June 11 HD-62 Democratic primary.

Each month during the general election season, the four of these candidates who knock on the most doors will receive a $20,000 direct contribution to each of their campaigns. (Look out for our email next week with more on why these candidates rock.)

Why it works

Because this way, knocking on constituents’ doors — not phoning donors — leads to funding. The challenge encourages candidates to engage in effective grassroots campaigning, while helping support their campaigns.

How you can help

The Virginia Door Knocking Challenge is all about making sure you get the biggest bang for your buck: your dollars will only support candidates who are doing the work and running in the districts that are essential to flipping the legislature and changing the entire direction of the state.

Knowing who to support in politics can be daunting. You can back the candidates who are truly putting their blood, sweat and door knocks into changing our country, one state at a time.

PS: Outside of the Challenge, we are re-endorsing the eight great (now) incumbents we supported in 2017 who are running for their second term!



Future Now USA
Future Now

We’re building the power to improve lives — by winning state legislative majorities and working with them to achieve goals for the common good.