Smart cars are Smartphones-on-wheels

Future of Automotive
2 min readSep 9, 2019


What are the most significant features of your iPhone or Samsung Galaxy?
1) it is constantly connected
2) it runs (third party) Apps
2bis) it has an App-store to monetize applications

Translate the same approach to a modern car, and you’ll obtain a SMART CAR.
Pay attention: car Apps are not limited to simple programs; thanks to OTA (Over The Air software updates/upgrades), a connected car owner/driver is able to (pay and) download a permanent or temporary ‘feature’ such as more power, more range, a more advanced cruise-control, whatever.
In other words, carmakers can sell existing Customers new features that weren’t previously available and add them on the fly to their cars.

Some final thoughts
From a Marketer’s point of view, it’s a BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY to die for: carmakers can copy a page from Apple’s manual:
• create a valuable, elegant combination of hardware and software
• setup a car App Store
• offer/sell OTA updates/upgrades, Apps, etc.

Hope they do not repeat the same mistakes…

@andy cavallini

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