Fuel Cell Cars

Eric Doescher
Future of Cars
Published in
1 min readOct 2, 2018

In case electric cars weren’t futuristic enough, another type of vehicle that is coming in the near future is a fuel cell car. What a fuel cell car is, is an electric car that's fueled by hydrogen. Once entering the car, Hydrogen combines with oxygen molecules from the air and this is converted into electricity to run the motor. What’s amazing about this is the fact that hydrogen as an element will last for a long time, but also its emissions. Hydrogen is the most abundant item in the universe, it’s even what stars are made of. The hydrogen can be made “at a central facility and trucked to a filling station or, if natural gas is available on-site, right at the station.” Hydrogen not only comes naturally from natural gas but can also be found in water, a resource that earth has plenty of. Not only do fuel cell cars have abundant resources for the future, but they also don't release any emissions. In a hydrogen-powered fuel cell car, because its hydrogen and oxygen molecules being used, no emissions are released int the atmosphere, it just produces water.

Hydrogen truly is the future of the car industry. Not only does it run on the most abundant element in the universe, but also releases zero emissions which is very important in a time where global warming is a large concern.

