Bring Steam Cars Back!

Eric Doescher
Future of Cars
Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2018

As discussed in the previous posting, an interesting fuel source for a car and my favorite type of car, is Steam Cars. The reason I chose to discuss this source, even when it hasn’t been used in 100 years, is because of the fact that even though it’s 100 years old, it’s actually still better than an internal combustion car.

In order to comprehend the topic, you need to know how it works. Just know that steam cars are one of those concepts where it’s so simple, it’s confusing, just don’t overthink it. The way a steam engine runs is through pressure. What happens is the water in the tanks of the car is boiled to create steam and because heat expands, this large amount of steam created pressure. From here, steam is moved to the engines where the pressure of the steam is used to move the pistons, exactly how a real engine works but with steam pressure, not by igniting gasoline. In today’s day and age, the steam car seems to be the best possible option for the future of cars but yet no one talks about them. Not only is the steam car zero emissions unlike internal combustion engines which are the main cause of our current pollution issue, but internal combustion engines are also less efficient than a steam engine. A 1924 Doble steam car had a 24-gallon water tank which provided a range of 1500 miles, that’s 62 MPG. Almost 100 years later, modern day cars have less than half of that with an average of 24.7 MPG in cars that are ruining the earth. The only real negative for a steam car was the price, which was the cause of its downfall. They costed nearly 6 times more than a model T, at $4000 which is about $55,000 today. What’s crazy to think about is that with today economy, the cheapest Tesla you can buy is $45,000, so will there be a comeback?

While this concept might seem far-fetched to someone with no knowledge on the topic, I bet that after reading this article, your mind is completely changed compared when you first read the crazy claim that steam cars are better than gas cars, if so then I’ve succeeded.

