“By blending shoppable products with user-generated content, you can create an inspiring and enjoyable experience for customers unlike any other.”

Boost Sales and Build Brand Loyalty: Why Creating a Community on Your Shopify Store is a Game-Changer!

Andreas Ströberg
Future of eCommerce


Are you looking to grow your Shopify store? Creating a community can increase engagement, drive sales, and build brand loyalty. Discover how.

In today’s fast-paced digital world, building a community around your Shopify store can be a game-changer for your business. Creating a sense of community can help you drive traffic, boost sales, and build a loyal customer base. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of creating a community on your Shopify store and provide some facts and statistics to support our claims.

1. Increased Engagement

By creating a community on your Shopify store, you can foster engagement with your customers. You can create discussion forums, encourage product reviews, and offer Q&A sessions. This increased engagement can lead to more brand loyalty and repeat customers.

According to a survey conducted by Shopify, 63% of customers are more likely to return to a site that offers user-generated content, such as product reviews and ratings.

2. Higher Conversion Rates

A strong community can also lead to higher conversion rates. By creating a sense of community, you’re encouraging customers to engage with your brand and build a relationship with it. This can lead to increased trust, and ultimately, more sales.

A study by KPMG found that 92% of customers trust recommendations from people they know, such as family and friends. By building a community on your Shopify store, you’re essentially creating a group of people who can act as brand ambassadors and spread the word about your products.

3. Better Customer Support

Creating a community on your Shopify store can also lead to better customer support. You can use forums and discussion boards to address customer questions and concerns. This not only helps you build stronger relationships with your customers but can also save you time and resources.

According to a study by Salesforce, 75% of customers expect a company to provide a consistent experience across multiple channels, including social media and online forums.

4. Increased Brand Awareness

By creating a community around your Shopify store, you’re also increasing brand awareness. When customers engage with your brand and share their experiences with others, you’re essentially getting free advertising.

Compete with Friendship & Loyalty — Not Price!

A survey by HubSpot found that 92% of customers trust recommendations from people they don’t know, such as online reviews. By building a community on your Shopify store, you’re essentially creating a network of people who can act as brand ambassadors and spread the word about your products.


Creating a community on your Shopify store can be a powerful tool for building your brand, increasing engagement, and driving sales. By fostering engagement, building trust, and providing better customer support, you can build a loyal customer base that will help grow your business over time. So why not give it a try? Start building your community today and see the results for yourself.

If you want to create a community around your Shopify store, Stackend is a powerful tool that can help. With its social platform for e-commerce, Stackend enables you to integrate live shopping, editorials, product reviews, and more with your Shopify store. You can even create microshops to embed on other sites and engage with ambassadors and micro-influencers to drive sales.




Andreas Ströberg
Future of eCommerce

CEO for Stackend.com — loves product, concept and business development. Soft for old Land Rovers.