Embedded Commerce Explained: Extend Your Online Store Anywhere with Stackend

Andreas Ströberg
Future of eCommerce
2 min readOct 22, 2023


E-commerce has seen incredible advancements in recent years, and one of the latest game-changers in this realm is embedded shopping. Ever wondered how you can seamlessly integrate a shopping experience within other platforms or even within ads? Stackend is here to show you how.

The Magic of Embedded Shopping

Embedded shopping is all about bringing your store directly to your customers, wherever they are. Imagine being able to activate portions or even your entire store anywhere online, all while maintaining complete shopping functionality. Sounds futuristic? With Stackend, it’s a reality today.

Stackend Modules: Beyond Shopify

While many associate Stackend with Shopify, its capabilities stretch far beyond. With Stackend modules, you can effortlessly create custom layouts, including your fully shoppable products, and place them virtually anywhere online. Whether it’s on a WordPress page, a blog, or even an ad system, Stackend ensures your products are just a click away for your customers.

Unparalleled Flexibility and Customization

The beauty of Stackend lies in its adaptability. Want to switch from a slideshow layout to a grid displaying multiple products? No problem! With a few simple tweaks, your embedded shop can take on a whole new look, all without the hassle of modifying any complex codes.

A Shopping Experience Like No Other

One of Stackend’s standout features is the ability to create a site that encompasses multiple pages, introducing a smooth navigation menu. This means you can embed a popup shop with various sections, allowing customers to browse between different pages seamlessly. The possibilities are virtually endless!

Shopping Directly from Ads? Yes, Please!

Here’s a feature that’s bound to excite marketers and business owners alike. With Stackend’s innovative technology, you can embed your shop directly within an ad system. This means readers of a blog or website can purchase products straight from the ads, bridging the gap between advertising and purchasing like never before.

Join the Embedded Shopping Movement

Thank you for joining me on this deep dive into embedded shopping. If you’re eager to leverage this high-conversion strategy and see a surge in your sales, Stackend is eager to assist. Let’s redefine the e-commerce landscape together, enhancing customer experiences and boosting sales. Visit stackend.com or try our free trial on apps.shopify.com. Until next time!



Andreas Ströberg
Future of eCommerce

CEO for Stackend.com — loves product, concept and business development. Soft for old Land Rovers.