Revolutionising Customers Experience

Andreas Ströberg
Future of eCommerce
9 min readJan 29, 2024


While the e-commerce industry has made remarkable strides in logistics and tracking, the customer experience has seen little innovation over the past two decades.

Note: This is a rather long story. Feel free to download it as an eBook here.

The contrast is stark: robotic logistics and real-time tracking coexist with static, database-like online storefronts. This guide aims to help you take your business beyond this stagnation.

We introduce Stackend, a platform that supercharges the online shopping experience. By integrating user generative AI and community engagement, Stackend transforms how customers interact, discover, and shop, marking a new horizon in e-commerce.

Tailored for Millennials and Gen Z

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, traditional e-commerce stores are struggling to resonate with Millennials and Gen Z.

Raised in a digital-first environment, they seek more than just transactional online shopping; they crave interactive, engaging, and personalized experiences.

Traditional e-commerce platforms, with their static interfaces and limited social interaction, fail to meet these expectations.

Over 60% of Millennials and Gen Z consumers are more likely to complete a purchase after seeing a social media post. (eMarketer)

Why Stackend for Your Shopify Store?

  • Seamless Integration: With just a few clicks, Stackend integrates into your Shopify store, requiring no coding skillsm
  • Live Video Shopping: Connect with customers in real-time through live video, showcasing your products effectivelym
  • Social Shopping Feed: Merge engaging content with shoppable items, creating a unique shopping environmentm
  • Increased Engagement: Boost customer interaction with interactive posts and live events.
  • Build Community: Foster a sense of community among your customers, enhancing loyalty and trust.
  • Interactive Content: Create content that’s not just informative but also shoppable, elevating the standard of online shopping.

The Power of Video Shopping

Welcome to a new era of online retail with Stackend’s video shopping features. Transform your Shopify store into an interactive marketplace where your products star in their own show.

Bring your products to life with Stackend Video Shopping

Enhanced Customer Experience

  • Interactive Video Content: Customers can click on products within videos to view details and add items to their carts without interrupting their viewing experience.
  • Customizable Layouts: Choose how your products are displayed in videos, ensuring a perfect match with your brand’s style.

Live Video Shopping: The Game Changer

  • Real-Time Engagement: Connect with your customers live, demonstrating products and answering queries on the spot
  • Seamless Integration: Easily link your YouTube live streams or pre-recorded videos to your Shopify store
  • Instant Product Additions: As a host, select items from your inventory and showcase them in your videos, making them instantly shoppable
  • Increased Conversion Rates: Engaging video content has shown to significantly boost sales
  • Elevated Customer Trust: Live demonstrations build confidence in your products.

Alibaba reports live streaming sessions can boost conversion rates to as high as 32%

You’re no longer just selling products; you’re building relationships. Start nurturing your online community and see the positive impact on your brand and sales.

Fostering Connections in Your Online Store

Experience the power of community in e- commerce with Stackend. Our platform transforms your Shopify store into a vibrant social hub, where customers do more than just shop — they connect, share, and engage.

Key Community Features:

  • Customer Profiles with Micro Shops: Enable your customers to create their own personalized shopping spaces within your store
  • Social Shopping Feed: Mix inspiring content with shoppable items, creating an interactive feed similar to social media platforms
  • Shoppable Product Reviews and Comments: Amplify customer engagement with the ability to include shoppable products in reviews and comments.

Why Community Matters?

  • Deepen Customer Relationships: Build a loyal customer base by fostering a sense of belonging
  • Enhanced User Experience: Transform shopping from a transaction to an engaging social experience
  • Boosted Engagement and Sales: Encourage customers to spend more time on your site, leading to increased sales.

New Customers — Anywhere & Everywhere

Embed the essence of your Shopify store across various digital landscapes with Stackend’s embedded commerce features. Break the boundaries of traditional e-commerce and meet your customers wherever they are.

Expand Your Reach with Embedded Commerce

  • Embed Anywhere: Effortlessly place your product feed on blogs, news sites, or even within ads.
  • Seamless Experience: Customers can shop your products without ever leaving the host site.
  • Real-Time Inventory Updates: Keep your embedded storefront current with direct links to your Shopify inventory.

Why Choose Embedded Commerce?

  • Wider Audience Reach: Tap into new customer bases beyond your website.
  • Enhanced Customer Convenience: Offer a frictionless shopping experience on platforms your customers already frequently visits.
  • Increased Sales Potential: Leverage the power of context and convenience to boost sales.

Embed your store across digital platforms to captivate unexpected customers. Turn every online interaction into a potential sale, expanding your reach beyond traditional e-commerce boundaries.

Shockingly Good Customer Service

Discover Stackend’s groundbreaking feature that combines AI with community insights to create a personalized shopping experience. Our system taps into your inventory and uses AI to craft custom posts based on customer queries.

How It Works

  • AI-Powered UGC: Customers express their needs, like “I want to go camping in Yosemite next weekend” and our AI generates content mixing travel tips with relevant shoppable products.
  • Community Engagement: Other users can comment, suggest items, and share experiences, enriching the content.
  • SEO-Friendly Posts: Each interaction is stored as an SEO-optimized post, enhancing online visibility for similar queries.

Why it Matters

  • Customer Experience: Offers tailored advice and product suggestions, adding value to the shopping journey.
  • Boosted Online Presence: Optimized content for search engines drives more traffic to your store.

Leveraging User-Generated Content

Boost Your Store’s Appeal and Engagement

User-Generated Content (UGC) is a powerful tool for e-commerce. With Stackend, harnessing the potential of UGC can transform customer engagement and brand loyalty.


  • Educate yourself on Social Commerce
    Download ebooks about Social, Content & Embedded commerce.
  • Encourage Customer Reviews and Stories
    Implement features for customers to share their experiences and reviews. Showcase standout reviews in your social shopping feed.
  • Host Contests and Campaigns
    Run social media contests encouraging customers to post their shopping experiences. Reward the best contributions with discounts or featured spots on your site.
  • Feature Customer-Curated Collections
    Allow customers to curate their own micro-shops on your platform.
    Promote these collections as part of a community-driven approach.
  • Utilize UGC in Marketing
    Share customer-generated content on your social media channels.
    Use UGC in email marketing campaigns to showcase real-life product applications.
  • Monitor and Engage
    Regularly monitor UGC for insights and trends.
    Engage with the content, adding comments or sharing it further.
    Empower Your Customers, Empower Your Brand.
    By integrating UGC into your store, you not only enhance authenticity but also create a vibrant, engaged community around your brand.

Measuring with Metrics and KPIs

Understanding and monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) is crucial in e-commerce. Stackend provides a wealth of data, but knowing which metrics to focus on can make a significant difference

Engagement Rate

  • Track likes, shares, comments on product pages, and social feeds.
  • Stackend connects to your Google Analytics and share this data as events.

Conversion Rate

  • Measure the percentage of visitors who make a purchase.

Average Order Value (AOV)

  • Monitor the average spending per transaction (see next chapter)

Customer Retention Rate

  • Calculate the rate at which you retain customers over a given period3

Utilize Data for Strategic Decisions

  • Use insights from these metrics to refine marketing strategies, improve product offerings, and enhance customer experiences.

Increase Average Order Value (AOV)

  • Product Bundling on Social Feeds
    Showcase complementary products together in social shopping feeds. Encourage customers to buy bundles for a complete experience, increasing the total value of each purchase.
  • User-Generated Content for Upselling
    Utilize customer reviews and photos as a tool for upselling. When customers see real-life uses of products, especially when paired with other items, they are more likely to make additional purchases.
  • Exclusive Social Promotions
    Offer exclusive deals or bundles to customers who engage on your social platforms. This can encourage larger purchases.
  • Influencer Collaborations in Live Shopping Events
    Partner with influencers to host live shopping sessions where they can demonstrate product uses and suggest complementary items, persuading viewers to buy more.
  • Personalized AI Recommendations
    Use AI to analyze customer interactions on social feeds and provide personalized product recommendations that align with their interests and previous purchases.

Building a Vibrant Community with Stackend

Creating a strong community around your Shopify store is more than just selling products; it’s about building relationships. Stackend offers unique tools to foster this connection.

Connect, Engage, and Grow Together

  • Engage on Customers Social Feeds: Actively interact with customers on your social shopping feed, creating a dynamic and responsive community
  • Showcase Customer Stories: Feature real customer experiences, highlighting how your community uses and enjoys your products.
  • Exclusive Community Spaces: Develop dedicated groups or forums for customers to share, discuss, and connect.
  • Host Live Events: Utilize Stackend’s live video shopping to engage with your audience in real-time, creating memorable experiences.
  • User-Generated Content Campaigns: Encourage customers to create and share content related to your products, enhancing the sense of community ownership.

With Stackend, you have the power to build a thriving community that supports and enhances your brand’s success.

Mastering Content Creation

Unlock the Power of Engaging, Shoppable Content

Creating compelling content in Stackend is key to engaging your audience and driving sales. Here’s how to make the most of Stackend’s content creation tools:

Craft Your Narrative with Stackend

  • Understand Your Audience: Know who you are creating for. Tailor your content to address their interests and needs.
  • Mix Media Types: Utilize a variety of formats — images, videos, blogs, and reviews. Rich media content can significantly increase engagement.
  • Be Authentic and Relatable: Share genuine stories and experiences related to your products.
  • Leverage User-Generated Content: Encourage and feature content created by your customers, such as reviews or product usage stories.
  • Keep It Fresh: Regularly update your content to keep your audience engaged and informed.
  • Include Clear Calls-to-Action: Guide your audience on what to do next — whether it’s making a purchase, leaving a review, or sharing your content.
  • Use SEO Best Practices: Optimize your content for search engines to increase its reach and visibility.

From Local Brands to Global Empires

Discover the diverse ways Stackend can elevate your e-commerce experience. Whether you’re just starting up or running a shopping empire with millions of visitors, Stackend is designed to work seamlessly for businesses of all sizes and stages. Explore the possibilities and choose the Stackend solution that best fits your unique needs.

Enhance Your Shopify Store

  • Seamless Integration: Install Stackend from the Shopify App Store.
  • Easy Customization: Drag and drop Stackend modules for a tailored experience.
  • Adaptive Design: Modules effortlessly blend with your store’s aesthetics.

Unleash Performance

  • Headless Storefront: Download Stackend’s React framework for ultimate customization.
  • Enhanced Performance: Enjoy a performance boost while retaining all Stackend modules.
  • Duplicable Setup: Easily replicate custom setups for different markets or scenarios.

Expand Beyond Your Store

  • Multi-Platform Engagement: Embed Stackend modules on external websites.
    Shoppable Content: Create custom pop- up shops or shoppable ads with ease.
    Versatile Application: Utilize Stackend in blogs, magazines, campaigns, and ad systems.

Headless On-Demand

  • Future of Headless Commerce: A click away from creating a serverless React storefront.
    Effortless Setup: Eliminate complex development for headless commerce.
    Maintenance-Free: Cost-effective and maintenance-free serverless infrastructure.

Your Journey to Next-Gen Commerce Begins Here

As you conclude this guide, envision a future where your e-commerce store isn’t just a platform but a destination for next- gen shopping experiences. This future, rich with innovation and engagement, starts with your decision to embrace change.

Thank You for reading

Andreas Ströberg / CEO / Stackend



Andreas Ströberg
Future of eCommerce

CEO for — loves product, concept and business development. Soft for old Land Rovers.