The Struggle is Real: Surviving as D2C Brands in 2024

Andreas Ströberg
Future of eCommerce
3 min readMar 12, 2024
Adrift in the Digital Void: Customers Navigate Your Store Alone, Yearning for Connection and Guidance

Facing the twin challenges of rising ad costs and fierce price competition, D2C brands are searching for more sustainable strategies to foster customer loyalty and distinguish themselves.

This situation calls for a shift towards creating customer communities right in their stores, a move aimed at achieving sustainable and cost-effective outcomes.

Unlocking the Power of Customer Communities

A customer community transcends mere transactions, nurturing meaningful interactions. For Shopify D2C brands, such spaces are critical, fostering engagement, loyalty, and significantly influencing purchasing decisions through peer insights and shared experiences. These communities set your brand apart and drive growth and retention in a crowded marketplace.

The Advantages of Customer Communities in Shopify Stores

The digital era underscores customer communities as essential for deepening engagement and loyalty. Authentic connections and a sense of belonging resonate particularly with Gen Z and Millennials, amplifying a brand’s appeal and dictating the future of retail. Shopify store owners can capitalize on this, leveraging the platform’s versatility to cultivate communities that share feedback, experiences, and engage deeply with the brand.

The Rise of AI Shopping

As AI shopping personalizes the buying journey, it offers solutions like recognizing a preference for eco-friendly products, guiding users through skincare routines tailored to their skin type, or even curating a shopping list for a dinner party. These AI-driven personalizations save time, enhance decision-making, and introduce new products and trends, elevating the online shopping experience.

AI + Community: A New Era of E-Commerce

Imagine integrating AI with community commerce, combining personalized assistance akin to an in-store expert with the human element of shopping, where users share experiences and recommendations.

Instant support and help 24/7 — enriched by other customers wisdom.

This synergy creates an enriched online shopping environment, mirroring the personalized and communal feel of in-store shopping. A user seeking camping gear for Yosemite, for example, would receive AI-generated product suggestions along with community feedback, embodying a shopping experience that is both interactive and community-driven.

Final Thoughts

This innovative blend of AI and community commerce isn’t just a future possibility — it’s a current reality. D2C brands that incorporate these elements into their strategy today can differentiate themselves, foster genuine connections, and build a loyal customer base prepared to navigate the challenges of the digital marketplace.

Get Started Today

Both Customer Community and AI Shopping should be part of your strategy today. If you wish to learn more about the topic — reach out and I’d be happy to share insights, tips and tricks.

Further Reading and References

This article draws on insights from leading industry analyses to underscore the evolving landscape of D2C e-commerce:

“Unlocking the Power of Community Commerce: Building Authentic Connections for Brands” as explored in Forbes highlights the significance of cultivating genuine brand-consumer relationships through community commerce.

McKinsey’s report “How Gen Z and Millennials are Shaping the Future of US Retail” emphasizes the critical role these demographics play in driving retail trends towards personalization and community-focused shopping experiences.

For deeper insights into these trends, consider exploring the full reports.

Andreas Ströberg / CEO /



Andreas Ströberg
Future of eCommerce

CEO for — loves product, concept and business development. Soft for old Land Rovers.