Facebook Live: Speaking with our citizens about ideas for the future of Europe

European Commission
Future of Europe
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2017
Teaser ahead of a Facebook Live session on Social Europe

Chances are that you are on Facebook. But have you ever taken part in a Facebook Live? Live talks with citizens are a great opportunity to exchange views but also to listen, answer questions and address concerns. Especially now, when we are discussing the future of Europe, our future, your feedback is essential. The First Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans wants to engage with citizens directly on such issues wherever he can, and Facebook Live has been offering him this opportunity over the last couple of months.

In February, Mr Timmermans answered questions on Brexit, migration, a multi-speed Europe and many other topics from dozens of citizens. There were excellent questions, some also very funny (we even found out what Mr Timmermans thinks of Hawaiian pizza!). The First Vice-President received and answered questions in Dutch, English and French and the event was widely viewed across Europe.

Recording of the Facebook Live on 22 February 2017

“Europe would not be made without citizens, and we need to talk about its future with citizens”

“Europe would not be made without citizens, and we need to talk about its future with citizens”, said Mr Timmermans opening his second Facebook Live on 24 March. Ahead of the Rome Summit in which EU institutions and leaders celebrated 60 years of European integration, he wanted to hear the ideas of his Facebook followers about the future of Europe so that he could take these views to Rome. During the chat, he also outlined in English his position on migration, security, the fight against terrorism and job creation and, prompted by people’s questions, shared some anecdotes about his personal life.

Recording of the Facebook Live on 24 March 2017

Earlier this month, Mr Timmermans exchanged views on how Europe can help to make globalisation work for everyone and answered questions on the freshly published reflection paper on harnessing globalisation. “Globalisation can cause problems when an industry moves to another country, thereby creating unemployment in some countries, while others get low-paid jobs”, observed Anne at the very beginning of the Facebook live. Mr Timmermans’ answer summarises the Commission’s approach towards this economic and societal transformation:

You cannot stop shifts in the global economy by building walls. The European economy is changing towards third sector services and robotisation. On the basis of this change, we need to create new opportunities and future-oriented jobs”.

Watch the full Facebook Live!

Recording of the Facebook Live on 15 May 2017

These Facebook Live conversations give citizens the unique chance to directly ask questions to and exchange views with Mr Timmermans from anywhere in Europe. The First Vice-President very much appreciates to speak directly with his viewers and is planning to continue organising these Facebook Live events on a regular basis in the future. Do you have any questions for Mr Timmermans? Follow him on Facebook and make sure to tune in during the next Facebook Live!



European Commission
Future of Europe

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