3 quick tips for working smarter

Here are three examples that illustrate how I keep on top of things, using three working smarter principles: efficient systems and processes, good organization, and avoiding distraction. Let’s make this quick so you can get on to your important business.

I cut my email traffic in half by using a CC inbox. I created a new folder and called it ‘CC Inbox’ and then created a rule in Outlook that sends all incoming emails that I’m only cc’d into directly to the CC Inbox. I only check that folder twice per day at scheduled times. This reduces the amount of time I spend reading unnecessary and unimportant emails. You can find more tips for mastering your inbox here.

I use the Bullet Journal system. It’s easy to learn thanks to a quick video on the website that explains everything. It’s an easy to remember system for taking notes, making to-do lists, and prioritizing what you have to do. I’ve used it for years and it works! Just make sure you’re always using the same notebook or it becomes useless. You can find more tips about being better organized to help you get ahead here.

I used to hear a ‘ding’ every time a new email came into my inbox. It would make me stop what I was doing to check it. I turned off the notification and it improved my focus a huge amount. In fact, I now close down my email completely while I’m focussed on work to take it that one step further.

I also used to get a push notification on my phone every time someone tweeted at me or when I got a message on Facebook, for example. Even if I didn’t stop what I was doing to check it, it still momentarily distracted me from my work. Now, I’ve turned all notifications off so I only see what’s new when I take the time to check each app individually. I’ve scheduled social media time during the day so it doesn’t pull me away from my work. It’s also improved time with family.

That’s it. Like I said. Quick. Do these three things (hell, do just one of them) and you will be instantly more productive. I promise!

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Ryan Wiggins

Hi, I'm Ryan. I write & create for people who care about their impact on the world; who want to lead, collaborate & solve interesting problems.