The Uberization of Work

Future of Work
Published in
2 min readNov 20, 2015

…and how startups need to leverage it to scale.

Call it the “sharing economy”, the “gig economy” or “workforce virtualization”, the bottom line is that on-demand platforms and services are fundamentally changing the way the world works and how we interact with businesses of all shapes and sizes.

Examples of this concept in the consumer world are easy to find. AirBnB has made finding a place to stay easier and more affordable by directly connecting owners and guests. Instacart provides on-demand grocery shopping for those who are too busy to get to a grocery store. Perhaps the best known example is Uber, which has completely changed how we think about getting around.

So, while platforms like the aforementioned examples are connecting people in the physical world to provide a service, many businesses are using similar platforms that leverage crowds of people in the digital world to provide near-immediate service delivery. These platforms share many of the same attributes. They’re typically pay-per-use, multi-tenant, near-immediate, scalable, and elastic enough to meet the ebb and flow of customer demand.

The future is here, consumer and enterprise models are converging. From sales and marketing to product engineering, HR to operations, businesses are leveraging on-demand workforces and platforms to scale faster and smarter than ever, gaining a competitive advantage in the process.

Check out this SlideShare from a recent talk delivered by CloudFactory CEO and Founder Mark Sears. He lays out the evolution of the on-demand economy and shares specific examples of companies that have expertise across the entire enterprise.

Check here for more details.

Originally published at



Future of Work

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