5 different ways to work with Generative AI


ChatGPT and generative AI have made their way into our lives with a bold promise: to transform the way we work, learn, and even collaborate. So, yes, there’s a lot of talk about typing questions and waiting for answers as if by magic, but is that all there is to know? Absolutely not! Behind the screen, ChatGPT is not just a genie in a lamp waiting for our commands. It is a potential partner capable of engaging in various forms of collaboration, well beyond the solo use of the tool. Today, we dive into the reinvented possibilities of teamwork in the era of generative AI!

Working with AI: what does it really mean?

In this very tutorial phase I lead on generative AI, I have already addressed two major aspects in previous articles:

In this third installment, I am particularly interested in how AI invites itself into group work. All the training on the market teaches you how to use AI, but almost never how to integrate it effectively and efficiently into a team. Yet, we have numerous ways of working without AI, which can be adapted, with a few precautions (pun intended, or a bit).

In short, just imagine for a moment that your work with ChatGPT is not limited to solitary interaction. Think cooperation, where each, machine and human, takes on specific tasks; envisage a friendly competition, where you compare your results to those of the AI to stimulate creativity; or even, visualize step-by-step collaboration, a real teamwork with AI. And why not go further by assigning “personalities” to AI to make it a unique addition to your team?

Source : Tomorrow Theory, 2024.

Interacting with generative AI is much more than asking questions and waiting for answers. It is about opening up a field of possibilities, exploring new ways of working together, creating together, and why not, innovating together. Interaction with generative AI transcends the simple request-response to become a true creative exchange, where the possibilities of co-creation and innovation multiply as ideas flow. It’s an opening towards a horizon where human, human and machine, in symbiosis, redefine together the contours of the possible. Alright, enough training, let’s exit solo mode (but still recall it), and look at the rest of the world!

1) Solo mode

Individual work with ChatGPT resembles a partnership between the user and AI, where the latter becomes a versatile tool serving research, writing, learning, and much more. This collaboration takes place one-on-one with AI, allowing for personalized and targeted interaction according to the user’s specific needs. Whether it’s to deepen a complex topic, generate ideas for a creative project, or obtain writing assistance, ChatGPT positions itself as a virtual assistant capable of adapting to a multitude of requests. Just open LinkedIn right now to find experts ready to train you in this use!

Advantages compared to the same modality operated without AI

  • Acceleration of the research process: ChatGPT can quickly provide information and summaries on a wide range of topics, significantly reducing the time spent searching for relevant sources.
  • Stimulation of creativity: By offering ideas, perspectives, and varied formulations, ChatGPT can help overcome creative block and enrich the creative process. Improvement of learning: With ChatGPT, learning becomes more interactive. AI can explain complex concepts in a simplified manner, offering a personalized approach that adapts to the pace and learning style of each user. Of course, you have to like learning for this to be true!
  • Efficiency in writing: ChatGPT can assist in content generation, text correction, and suggesting stylistic improvements, improving the quality of the work produced while saving time.

Limitations of solo mode with AI

  • Lack of critical discernment: ChatGPT, despite its advanced capabilities, may lack nuance in analysis and can sometimes provide inaccurate or outdated information. The user’s critical mind remains essential to evaluate the relevance and accuracy of the information provided.
  • Dependence on AI: Excessive use of ChatGPT for various tasks can lead to a dependence where the user might underestimate their ability to solve problems without assistance.
  • Creative limitations: Although ChatGPT can stimulate creativity, it is based on existing data and may struggle to generate truly innovative ideas or to think outside the box.

Yes, for it to work, and this is true for all uses of AI, you need to turn on your brain, accept to structure yourself, and reason step by step. No magic, not yet anyway (and I will mourn for humanity the day that is no longer the case).

N.B.: We can consider that when a team decides to compare individual performances and then compare the results, we fall into this category, bridging with delegative cooperation.

2) Delegative cooperation

Delegative cooperation between humans and ChatGPT is based on an intelligent distribution of tasks, making the most of each other’s specific skills. In this mode of collaboration, AI is considered the preferred tool of team members, with its own qualities: rapid information processing, content generation, data analysis, etc. Humans, on their part, bring their expertise, creativity, and critical judgment, orchestrating the use of AI for well-defined tasks while handling the more nuanced and subjective aspects of projects.

Advantages over cooperation without AI

  • Optimization of resources: By delegating repetitive tasks or voluminous analyses to ChatGPT, human team members can focus on activities with higher added value, such as strategic decision-making or creativity.
  • Improvement of productivity: ChatGPT’s ability to quickly process a large amount of information can significantly speed up project timelines.
  • Flexibility and adaptability: Delegative cooperation allows for a dynamic allocation of tasks according to the evolving needs of the project, offering great adaptability to teams.

Limitations of delegative cooperation with AI

  • Communication and coordination: The need for effective coordination between human members and AI can pose a challenge, especially in terms of clearly defining tasks to delegate and understanding the limits of AI.
  • Quality and relevance of AI contributions: AI, operating on the basis of pre-existing data, may lack relevance in very specific or new contexts, requiring systematic human verification.
  • Technological dependence: A risk of excessive dependence on AI for certain tasks can develop, potentially hindering the development of internal skills or the ability to innovate without assistance.

This modality offers a new dimension of teamwork, where artificial intelligence and human skills complement each other to achieve common goals. Like ‘once upon a time’ (in the year -1 before ChatGPT), this modality underscores the importance of thoughtful task distribution and close collaboration between humans and AI to maximize efficiency and productivity, all while keeping one’s brain turned on.

3) Constructive competition

Constructive competition between humans and ChatGPT is based on a stimulating concept: competing the efforts of AI and humans on similar tasks to catalyze innovation and creativity. This approach aims to exploit the best of both worlds, comparing the solutions proposed by AI to those developed by humans, not in a spirit of rivalry, but with the goal of enriching the creative process and improving the final work quality.

Advantages of constructive competition

  • Stimulation of creativity: Competing with AI can encourage humans to step out of their comfort zone and explore innovative solutions they might not have otherwise considered.
  • Improvement of quality: By comparing the results of AI and humans, it is possible to identify the best ideas from both sides and merge them to result in a superior product or solution.
  • Mutual learning: This modality offers a unique opportunity to learn from AI, observing how it approaches and solves problems, and vice versa, AI can be programmed to adjust based on human performance, creating a continuous improvement cycle.

Limitations of constructive competition

  • Risk of discouragement: The technical superiority of AI on certain tasks can sometimes discourage or intimidate human participants, especially if success criteria are not well defined or if the constructive aspect of the competition is not sufficiently emphasized.
  • Interpretation of results: Direct comparison of human and AI contributions can be complex, especially since a human is needed to prompt the AI, which can strongly bias the competition depending on the prompting skill level.
  • Resource cost: Organizing a constructive competition can require additional planning and resources, both for setting up challenges and for analyzing results.

Constructive competition between humans and ChatGPT highlights the immense potential of this atypical collaboration. By leveraging competition as a driver of innovation, this modality offers a promising path to push the boundaries of creativity and quality, while acknowledging its numerous limits. This method is rather recommended for experts and advanced users of AI.

4) Integral collaboration

Integral collaboration between humans and ChatGPT represents a symbiotic partnership, where AI and humans work hand in hand, step by step, on a common project. This modality goes beyond simple task delegation or competition to attempt true co-creation. In this dynamic, AI is not just a tool or competitor, but a collaborative partner actively contributing to the creative process, problem-solving, and decision-making.

Advantages over collaboration without AI

  • Complementarity of skills: Integral collaboration leverages the respective strengths of human and AI. For example, AI can quickly process and analyze large amounts of data, while humans bring their judgment, sensitivity, and ability to contextualize information.
  • Iterative and adaptive process: This form of collaboration allows for an iterative work process, where humans and AI adjust and react to each other’s contributions, refining solutions in real-time.
  • Innovation through combination: By working together in an integrated manner, humans and AI can generate ideas and solutions that might not have emerged in more traditional work frameworks, thus promoting innovation.

Limitations of integral collaboration with AI

  • Complexity of integration: Implementing integral collaboration can be technically and logistically complex, requiring adapted interfaces and a deep understanding of AI capabilities.
  • Challenges in communication: Ensuring smooth and effective communication between humans and AI, so that each other’s contributions are correctly interpreted and integrated, represents a challenge.
  • Management of expectations: It is crucial to understand the limits of AI and not to expect it to understand or react with the same nuance as a human in all situations.

Integral collaboration offers an interesting ground for innovation and value creation, combining the best of human and artificial capabilities. By carefully navigating its challenges, this modality opens the way to achievements that were previously unimaginable, testifying to the unlimited potential of human-machine collaboration. It requires teams that already know how to work well together to best integrate AI into the process, but it delivers impressive results when done correctly!

5) Expert collaboration

Expert collaboration with ChatGPT involves assigning “personalities” or specific roles to AI so that it acts as a complementary member of the team. This approach goes beyond the generic use of AI, personalizing it to respond more specifically to the needs and dynamics of the team. By endowing ChatGPT with characteristics or functions such as a “researcher,” a “designer,” or even a “brainstorming facilitator,” collaboration is enriched, and the contribution of AI to the project is optimized.

Impact of this personalization on the work relationship and productivity

  • Strengthening team-AI integration: By assigning a clear role to AI, team members can better understand how and when to interact with it, facilitating its integration into work processes.
  • Improvement of productivity: Personalization allows AI to provide more relevant and effective contributions, reducing the time needed for information search or idea generation, thereby increasing overall productivity.
  • Optimization of interactions: Adjusting the responses and interactions of AI according to the assigned role can create a more natural and intuitive collaboration experience for human users, improving teamwork satisfaction and efficiency.

Limitations of expert collaboration

  • Complexity of implementation: Configuring ChatGPT to adopt specific personalities or roles may require advanced technical expertise and a deep understanding of project needs.
  • Risk of rigidity: Assigning fixed roles to AI could limit its flexibility and ability to contribute beyond predefined parameters, potentially reducing spontaneous innovation.
  • Technological dependence: A strong dependence on highly personalized AI could lead to difficulties in adapting work processes in case of project or technology changes.

Collaboration assisted by personalization offers an innovative approach to maximizing the efficiency and integration of AI in work teams. By customizing ChatGPT to meet the specific needs of the project, organizations can not only improve productivity and work quality but also explore new ways of collaborating and innovating together. It is crucial to define the personalities of the AI used in support accurately; otherwise, it’s easy to fall into caricature!


The promise of generative AI is not just that of a productivity tool or a virtual assistant; it lies in their ability to become collaborative partners, capable of transforming our way of conceiving, innovating, and solving problems. By intelligently integrating these technologies into our teams and work processes, we open the door to unprecedented possibilities of creation and discovery.

However, this exploration also underscores the crucial importance of navigating this new landscape with discernment. To reap the benefits of this human-AI collaboration, it is essential to ignite our critical spirit, cultivate our ability to structure ourselves, and reason with rigor. The real magic lies in our ability to marry artificial intelligence with human ingenuity, recognizing and respecting the strengths and limits of each.

All these modalities are meant to co-exist and to be used intelligently according to contexts. We are only a few years away from the emergence of the quaternary economy, marked by knowledge, skills, solidarity, and sustainable development, and integrating generative AI into our ways of working represents a key step. It is only by fully embracing this synergy between human and machine that we can shape a future where technology amplifies our collective potential, serving a more enlightened, inclusive, and sustainable world. At least that’s said :)

[Article written and illustrated on February 25, 2024, by Jeremy Lamri with the support of the Open AI GPT-4 algorithm]

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