NFTs: Pioneers of ownership in the era of creative AI

Towards a collaborative future: Optimistic perspectives on AI and Blockchain

Welcome to our series exploring the potential futures of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain. Each article delves into a future envisioned with optimism, reflecting the endless possibilities offered by these technologies. We are navigating in the realm of foresight, where imagination meets innovation.

Section 1: NFTs and author recognition

DALL.E-3, Gaspard Tertrais


NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are like digital authenticity certificates for any virtual object. Imagine a digital artwork, a melody, or even a tweet. By becoming an NFT, this object is assigned a unique digital signature, stored on the blockchain. It’s as if every digital creation had its own passport or serial number, making it unique and traceable.

Role of NFTs in identifying and protecting original authors

When a work is converted into an NFT, its creator is clearly identified and recorded. This means that no matter where the work travels on the internet, its paternity is always linked to its original author. This is a revolution for artists and creators: no more anonymity and uncredited duplication. Each NFT becomes indisputable proof of who created what.

Impact of registering works on the Blockchain for their protection

By registering a work on the blockchain as an NFT, it is given robust protection. The blockchain, with its decentralized and secure nature, ensures that authenticity information cannot be altered or erased. Thus, if someone attempts to copy or falsely claim ownership of the work, the blockchain provides irrefutable proof of the work’s originality and its belonging to the true author. This registration thus offers not only recognition but also a shield against counterfeiting and intellectual property theft in the digital world. The first to register a work on the blockchain will become its indisputable author.

These non-fungible tokens are not just a passing fad in the world of art and content creation but represent a crucial step toward increased recognition and security for creators in the digital world.

Section 2: NFTs, AI and data training

DALL.E-3, Gaspard Tertrais

Use of creative works registered as NFTs for AI training

Artificial intelligence learns by analyzing data, and among this data, artworks can be a rich source of inspiration and learning. When a work becomes an NFT, it does not lose its educational value for AI. On the contrary, as an NFT, each work carries with it a clear story of its origin and creator. AIs can thus train on authentic data, while respecting the paternity of the work. This opens a field of possibilities for AIs to learn from a rich library of verified and authentic content.

Balance between data access and recognition of creators

The challenge here is to find a balance between the use of artworks for AI training and respecting the rights of creators. NFTs offer an elegant solution to this challenge. On one hand, they allow AIs to access a variety of content for their learning. On the other, they ensure that the creators of these works are recognized and, potentially, rewarded every time their work is used. This creates a system where creators can voluntarily contribute to the education of AIs, while being assured that their work and their rights are respected.

Impact of registering works on the Blockchain for AI training

When works are registered on the blockchain as NFTs, they become easily accessible for AI training, while maintaining a record of their use. This allows tracking how and where these works are used in AI learning. Thus, not only does AI benefit from training on diverse and quality content, but creators also receive recognition and, in some cases, compensation for the use of their works.

By providing quality data for AI learning while ensuring respect and recognition for creators, this model paves the way for a synergy between digital art and artificial intelligence, where each party benefits from the other, creating a virtuous cycle of innovation and creative respect.

Section 3: Ongoing contribution and free access to data for AI training

DALL.E-3, Gaspard Tertrais

Vital importance of continuous AI training

The continuous training of AI on a wide range of data is not only desirable but essential. For AI to develop fully and nuancedly, it must have free and diverse access to different forms of human creations, be it art, literature, music, or any other form of cultural expression. This approach is crucial for AI to understand and reflect the richness and complexity of the human condition.

The inevitability of free access to data

Just as great authors drew inspiration from the works of their predecessors, AI must have the opportunity to freely draw from the vast expanse of human heritage. This free access to data allows AI to train on the basis of a rich and varied corpus, which is indispensable for it to develop authentically and relevantly. This extended training is crucial for AI to not only imitate but also understand and meaningfully interact with the human world.

Impact of free access on the evolution of AI

By allowing free access to content for AI training, we pave the way for significant advances in how AI can serve society. This allows it to feed on a multitude of perspectives, ideas, and experiences, thus fostering a deeper and more empathetic understanding of human diversity. Such a model enriches not only AI but also contributes to a broader and more inclusive cultural and intellectual exchange.

Section 4: Artist DAOs and revenue sharing

DALL.E-3, Gaspard Tertrais

Creation of a DAO for artists whose works are used by AIs

Imagine a space where artists, whose works are transformed into NFTs and used to train AIs, come together under a common banner: a DAO, or Decentralized Autonomous Organization. This DAO would function as a digital artistic cooperative, where creators can collectively manage the rights and benefits related to the use of their works. In this structure, each artist has a voice and a role in decision-making on how their works are used and monetized in the world of AI.

Revenue sharing model: Integrating artists into a contributory economy

When NFT artworks are used by AIs, they potentially generate value — whether through usage licenses, contributions to research projects, or even as elements of derivative works. Within the DAO framework, the revenues generated by these uses could be equitably redistributed among the DAO members. This revenue-sharing model creates a system where artists are directly rewarded for their contribution to AI development, promoting an environment where artistic creation is not only valued but also financially supported.

Impact of the DAO on the recognition and monetization of artistic works

The establishment of a DAO for artists offers a new path for the recognition and monetization of their works in the digital age. This allows creators to remain masters of their works while benefiting from the advantages of blockchain technology and the AI economy. Artists are no longer passive spectators in the process of using their works; they become active participants and beneficiaries of the technological revolution.

Towards a synergy between AI and human creativity

NFTs, DAOs, and free access to data are essential for developing an AI that respects and values human diversity. Let’s promote a future where AI and human creativity complement each other, opening new and exciting paths. This future rests on the recognition and fair remuneration of individual contributions to AI. In my next article, I will address the decentralization and resilience of AI, exploring how these aspects would enhance its security, robustness, and lay the foundation for a decentralized AI economy.

[Article written on November 8, 2023, by Gaspard Tertrais with the support of the Open AI GPT-4 algorithm for approximately 20%. Images created with DALL.E-3, 2023]



Gaspard Tertrais
Future of Work & Society — Towards the quaternary economy

French entrepreneur, author & tech innovator. Co-founder @TomorrowTheory HR tech, AI, Blockchain, XR, Web3 & Psychedelics