My first #1–10 days.

Kinsey White
The Future of Work
Published in
6 min readSep 6, 2017

Just over one week ago I began a new journey. I sold a lot of belongings, moved in with my parents, then packed my bags, took a leap and moved across the World.

Split, Croatia. That is my home. Well, at least for 4 more weeks.

I feel as though I have already been gone a month, but as I look back, it has been 10 days. Just 10 days and I have done so much, connected with amazing people and already started to feel at home in this amazing new city. People have been asking to see photos so here is a little recap of days 1–10 out of 365.

Traveling from Bozeman, MT to Split, Croatia.

The night before I was planning to leave for my year abroad, I found out my first flight to Seattle was canceled (thanks mom for making me check or I would have been stranded the next morning!). After being on hold for what seemed like hours, talking to multiple people and having my first (of probably many) “oh shit” moments, I finally got rerouted and back on track. My 26-hour travel journey took me from Bozeman > Denver > Seattle > Munich > Split.

Nonetheless, I arrived safely with the warmest greeting from one of my program leaders, Sara and couldn’t be more excited to be here!

Meeting my group of travel buddies for the first time and enjoying our first sunset. This is from the beach just outside the office.

Oh yeah, here is also the bad-ass coworking space I get to work out of for the next month (which is also conveniently a 2 minute walk from both my apartment and the beach).

The first night after I landed in Split, I lost my voice completely from having a cold prior to traveling. Turns out, when it was time to meet 55 new people, I couldn’t really talk to any of them! Since it was hard for me to communicated in a large group, one of my new friends, Ashley and I did a duo trip and walked into Old Town to explore a little of the city. She was a saint who was kind enough to do most of the talking, help me communicate to the locals and let me whisper/mime to her when I made an attempt at speaking. Talk about a great first impression!

DAY 4/5
I spent these days exploring new restaurants, figuring out this new working remotely thing, relaxing and trying to settle in.

Left: One of my favorite places to eat, Congo. It’s on the water and just across the street from the office. // Right: Views from my office.
Lunch break at the beach with my roommate, Katie. Note: speedo man in the background.

Exploring Old Town, day and night. Below are my 3 amazing roommates who I feel so lucky to have with me every day.

Left: My roommates, Mary, Katie, Jen and me. // Right: Me and Katie exploring Old Town bars at night.

Orientation day! These people are my traveling buddies for an entire year, my friends, my new family, my Sondoritos.

I am traveling for the next year on Remote Year which brings together a group of about 55 people who all work remotely while traveling and living in 12 cities over 12 months. Our group is called “Sonder”.


“The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own — populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness.”

Remote Year — Sonder. Or, as we like to call ourselves, “Sonderitos!”

Our first rainy day but that didn’t stop us from exploring our new home! I still am in disbelief I live here…

The view from the top of the bell tower in Diocletian’s Palace, overlooking Split. The Palace is an ancient palace built for the Roman Emperor Diocletian at the turn of the fourth century AD.
Side Note: the wine here is amazing!

LABOR DAY, yay! Quite a few of us from my group did a 5 island boat cruise — my favorite day so far (as you can tell by the photo explosion!).

Cave Bisevo (Blue Caves)
Blue Lagoon, islands Krknjaši
Hvar Island
Looking back at Hvar, our last island stop.
Back in Split, and for now what I like to call — home.

DAY 10
Back to work after a long weekend. It’s all about balance, right? :)

So far, I could not be more excited with my decision to join Remote Year. I miss everyone like crazy but I feel like I have found my element and I can not wait to see what happens on my remaining 355 days!

I will try to update this blog for friends and family at least once a month with pictures and little glimpses of what I’m up to.

If you made it this far, thank you for staying interested, reading and following along on my #remoteyear!





Kinsey White
The Future of Work

Graphic Designer from Bozeman, MT traveling the globe with Remote Year. Currently in Latin America.