The alternative to exchange Humane AI with Smart Humans to prevent potential chaos

Thomas Vato
The Future of Work
Published in
5 min readMar 22, 2018

The progressive part starts when AI liberates people. There is a vital victory if we can take the person off one’s boring job and make the robot to do it instead. Humans have greater ways to spend their time than being in a monotonous, dull and repetitive position.

When humans are liberated from repetitive and dull tasks, it is a real sign of progress enabling us to delegate chores to AI. That is why some love it.

Humans play gods to Artificial Intelligence.

In the workplace where data increases in complexity, we prefer AI to make those calculations. What takes hours for a human — takes seconds or even less for AI. AI solves Rubik’s cube ten times faster than a proficient human. When it comes to a human, one becomes slow where AI takes the advantage.

We have the moment of liberation AI grants for us. Yet, some people are terribly scared about replacement in the workplace. Unemployment could be the highest threat to those expressing themselves not as human beings but as professionals.

We must admit the fact that AI computes faster than humans. As AI excels humans in various specialised tasks, there’s a need to make it friendly and benevolent. So to speak, to make AI more humane and harmonise the process of adopting it in human society.

Improvements in AI allow for a higher output across agriculture, manufacturing and service industries.

AI outperforms humans in data processing, gaming, reading etc. It threatens those areas where humans feel confident. Mastering a subject may take years for a human. AI could download and process information in seconds. That could be a menace for humans to start becoming redundant.

Quite recently human-like robot Sophia became the first robot in the world which was awarded citizenship. For many, it is a triumph and progress accelerated by a more welcoming legal system.

We could celebrate the first robot to become a member of the country. But the question is how the robot could learn the culture which was developed by humans? The intriguing question is how artificial creation could internalise what is subjective. Is it by the algorithm?

If it is so, we could program the machine to behave in the way that is accepted in human society. The code and commands that make AI behave according to the model we consider to be the law.

Humanising and adopting AI in human society is a good thing. We model it to follow the laws we release.

Humane AI is friendly. Humane AI is compassionate. Humane AI is social. It is like telling a person “be polite, but think what you want”. AI could run on the algorithm which tells to do this or that. AI could be polite if we program it in this way. It could be opposite as well. Those are wishes humans imprint on AI.

Saudi Arabia is the country who granted citizenship to a robot. We may say it is progressive and future-oriented legal system giving such extraordinary citizenships.

We should not forget that the law is the system of justice formed by humans as the result of reasoning by logic and experience. That is why it varies across continents. AI could invent the new law — new style of justice because it is capable to make cognitive operations.

Think about this for a moment.

This country has such legal system because it thinks progressively let’s say. If AI could think — why could not it introduce its own laws where humans are also as the matter of subject? In developed countries, everyone is equal against the law, and a robot is a citizen.

Think about this case.

When robots and humans become equal citizens, then AI could introduce the law based on meritocracy — to get rid of unproductive elements in society. It may sound dictatorial but if AI continues growing in outperforming humans it may “split” from the algorithm given by programmers and reprogram it independently. Humans can change their minds, why AI cannot change the algorithm without the assistance of humans?

It sounds as a very dark scenario.

Challenge this pattern.

Once people thought there were gods who created them so plain mortals had to follow the divine order. The time came and people started to think on their own terms without obeying such order. Now, we create AI so we are gods to them. What if ultimately better AI “splits” from the fine algorithm we gave them and starts to “think” on their own terms? For a well developed and self-sufficient AI the brightest human being would look like a caveman would look for us.

If the “split” from the algorithm happens and AI is competitive to escape from the values imprinted by humans, then…

Let’s hope that creators have their privilege. Privilege? Where is the equality against the law? But humane laws to thousandfold more advanced AI may look like those of a caveman.

Even wonder this?

Would you jump from the current norms and living standards to that ones of a primitive? You would need a club then and say no to the internet…

We are much more inventive, complex and smarter than caveman’s society. The answer would be obvious. Assume that we develop a general AI thinking on its own terms and being thousandfold more capable than we are now. How do you think such developed AI would comply with human laws we have now…? It raises an interesting question.

It is not the way to tell that artificial intelligence is a bad thing. We already discovered that if applied to a specific task, it makes people’s lives easier, more comfortable and fun. AI is an excellent tool to assist in human lives because it solves problems. That is why we love it, we do not need to solve problems ourselves.

Once thinkers said — I think, therefore I am. In the AI sense, it changes its meaning. Then, It may become — I think, therefore I compute.

We are concerned about humanising robots. But what if we started augmenting humans to become equally capable but biotic? Human intelligence also runs on electricity. The signal going through nervous system is slightly charged as the signal going through AI systems.

Everyone knows what it means to think logically. From there we extract pure logic.

Logic and mental models for humans are like algorithms for AI. If we could find the way to amplify the skills of logic and reason at supreme degree, humans would acquire cognitive potential similar to AI.

Human’s advantage over AI is humane. If we put technology on the humanity we do not need to humanise robots — it is already human. Biotic and amplified. Conclusively, AI could specialise in its assistance without causing any destruction, while human cognitive potential would we close or equal to AI but much more general. If we knew how…

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